
views updated Jun 11 2018

centi- comb. form of L. centum hundred, used in the F. metric system to denote the 100th part of a unit, as centigramme, -litre, -metre; also in centigrade pert. to Celsius's thermometer XIX. — F. centigrade, f. L. gradus step, GRADE. centipede XVII. — F. centipède or L. centipeda (pēs, ped- FOOT).


views updated May 14 2018

centi- • comb. form used commonly in units of measurement: 1. one hundredth: centiliter.2. hundred: centigrade centipede.


views updated May 29 2018

centi- From the Latin centum, meaning ‘hundred’, a prefix (symbol c) used with SI units to denote the unit × 10−2.


views updated May 23 2018

centi- Symbol c. A prefix used in the metric system to denote one hundredth. For example, 0.01 metre = 1 centimetre (cm).


views updated May 29 2018

centi- prefix denoting one hundredth or a hundred.

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