Center-Shabazz, Lois 1954-
PERSONAL: Born March 25, 1954, in San Diego, CA; married. Education: Attended University of California and Loma Linda University. Hobbies and other interests: Hiking, golf, interior design, sewing.
ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, CenNet Systems Publishing, P.O. Box 1385, Chesapeake, VA 23327-1385. E-mail—
CAREER: Dentist in San Diego, CA, 1980–98; (Internet Web site), Chesapeake, VA, editor-in-chief. Lecturer in personal finance.
MEMBER: National Association of Women Business Owners, National Speakers Association of Virginia.
AWARDS, HONORS: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, c. 2002, for Let's Get Financial Savvy! From Debt-free to Investing with Ease.
Let's Get Financial Savvy! From Debt-free to Investing with Ease, CenNet Systems Publishing (Chesapeake, VA), 2003.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Let's Get out of Debt, at Last!
SIDELIGHTS: Lois Center-Shabazz told CA: "I have a deep passion to spread the message of savvy personal finance to all, but especially to women who still end up with much less money at retirement than the average man.
"My life experiences influence my writing the most. I had to finance my way through both college and graduate school. This process taught me very valuable financial skills.
"My writing process includes research and personal experience. I have done everything in my books, and I wanted to share my personal financial victories with others."
ONLINE, (July 20, 2004).