an·nu·al / ˈanyoōəl/ • adj. occurring once every year: the union's annual conference. ∎ calculated over or covering a period of a year: annual accounts. ∎ (of a plant) living for a year or less, perpetuating itself by seed: annual flowers.• n. a book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but with different contents. ∎ an annual plant.DERIVATIVES: an·nu·al·ly adv.
annual Applied to a plant that completes its life cycle (from germination to flowering to seed production and the death of vegetative parts) within a single growing season. See also therophyte. Compare biennial; ephemeral; and perennial.
annual Applied to a plant that completes its life cycle (from germination to flowering to seed production and the death of vegetative parts) within a single growing season. Compare BIENNIAL; EPHEMERAL; and PERENNIAL; see also THEROPHYTE.
annual Plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season, such as the sweet pea, sunflower, and wheat. Annual plants overwinter as seeds. See also biennial; perennial
annual XIV. ME. annuel — (O)F. — late L. annuālis, for L. annuus and annālis, f. annus year; see -AL1.