Anno of Cologne, St.

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Archbishop of Cologne; b. Swabia, Germany, c. 1010; d. Abbey of Siegburg, Germany, Dec. 4, 1075. He came of a noble Swabian family and was educated probably at Bamberg. He was named a canon of Goslar by Emperor Henry III and became archbishop of Cologne and chancellor of the Empire in 1056. To avoid confusion with an earlier archbishop, he is sometimes designated as Anno II. Dissatisfied with the regency of Agnes of Poitou (d. 1077), Anno connived in the kidnaping of the minor Henry IV at Kaiserswerth and made himself guardian and regent for the boy in 1062. Because of his severe discipline, he was dismissed by Henry in 1063 in favor of the more lenient Adalbert of Bremen, but was recalled in 1072.

At Augsburg, in 1062, during the struggle between alexander ii and the antipope Cadalus, Bishop of Parma (d. c. 1071), Anno supported Alexander. Despite his holy and penitential life, he was unpopular with the citizens of Cologne, who drove him from the city in 1074. Quickly restored through the help of the peasants, he retired shortly thereafter to the monastery of Siegburg, where he spent his last days, and where he was buried. He was canonized by Pope Lucius III c. 1183. His episcopacy was noteworthy both for the reform of existing monasteries and the establishment of new ones: Sankt George and Sankt Maria zu den Stufen (ad gradus ), both in Cologne, as well as Saalfeld, Grafschaft, and Siegburg. The vita of Anno, composed about 1106 by a monk of Siegburg, is the basis of the Middle High German Anno-lied (Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores 11:462464 and Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Dt Chron 1:2), but neither has historical value.

Feast: Dec. 4.

Bibliography: w. neuss, ed., Geschichte des Erzbistums Köln (Cologne 1964) 1:184200. p. richard, Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, ed. a. baudrillart et al. (Paris 1912) 3:396398. a. hauck, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands (Berlin-Leipzig 1958) 3:712730. t. lindner, Anno II., der Heilige, Erzbischof von Köln, 10561075 (Leipzig 1869). g. bauernfeind, Anno II., Erzbischof von Köln (Munich 1929). Sankt Anno und seine viel liebe statt, ed. g. busch (Siegburg, Germany 1975) m. mittler, ed., Siegburger Vorträge zum Annojahr 1983 (Siegburg 1984); Vita Annonis minor=Die jüngere Annovita (Sieg-burg 1975); Libellus de translatione Sancti Annonis archiepiscopi et miracula Sancti Annonis. Liber primus et secundus (Siegburg 1966). g. jenal, Erzbischof Anno II von Köln und sein politisches Wirken, 2 v. (Stuttgart 19741975). a. haverkamp, Typik und Politik im Annolied (Stuttgart 1979).

[m. f. mccarthy]

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