Shurer, Haim

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SHURER, HAIM (1895–1968), Hebrew journalist and editor. Born in Podolia, Shurer immigrated to Palestine in 1913. He worked in Galilee and Judea and was also a member of *Nahalal. From 1922 he was on the editorial board of *Ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'ir and then became a member of the secretariat of the movement. Joining the editorial board of *Davar in 1936, Shurer was editor in chief of the newspaper (1953–66), and his articles appeared in the press over several decades.

His books include: Yosef Aharonowitz (1938, 19622); Ha-Ḥayyal (1946); Im Nesi Yisrael (1951); Ba-Aliyyah ha-Sheniyyah (1952); and Kal va-Ḥomer (1952). He edited: Besarabyah (1941); Ha-Pogrom be-Kishinev (with D. Vinitzki, 1963); and with E. Shoḥat, Pirkei ha-Po'el ha-Ẓa'ir (1935–39).

[Getzel Kressel]

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