Schwartz, Joseph Ha-Kohen

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SCHWARTZ, JOSEPH HA-KOHEN (1877–1944), Hungarian rabbi and author. Born in Felsővisó, Hungary (now Viseul-de-Sus in Romania), Schwartz was the son of Naphtali ha-Kohen Schwartz and a pupil of Jacob *Tennenbaum. He edited the periodical Va-Yelakket Yosef for 20 years, from 1899 to 1918, in Bonyhad. In 1924 he moved to Grosswardein (Oradea), where he served as rabbi to the Maḥzikei Torah society and published several important books.

The most valuable are: Ẓafenat Pa'ne'aḥ (1909), notes on the Yad Yiẓḥak of Abraham Isaac Glueck; Ginzei Yosef (1930); and Va-Yiẓbor Yosef (1936), responsa. A detailed bibliography of his many publications published by Ben-Menahem in his Mi-Sifrut Yisrael be-Ungaryah (1958, 330–70), includes his testament, written a few months before his death in the Holocaust, together with a biography of him.

[Naphtali Ben-Menahem]

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