Schapira, Noah

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SCHAPIRA, NOAH (1866–1931), Hebrew poet and labor leader in Ereẓ Israel before the Second Aliyah. Born in Kishinev, Schapira was an active member of the Ḥibbat Zion movement there together with Meir *Dizengoff. In 1890 he settled in Ereẓ Israel, where he became an agricultural laborer first in Reḥovot and later in Zikhron Ya'akov. He was the moving spirit behind the organization of Jewish workers that was founded at the end of the 19th century and remained in existence until the members of the Second Aliyah began to organize themselves. On behalf of this federation he negotiated both with employers and with Ḥovevei Zion leaders in Odessa, especially *Aḥad Ha-Am. He spent his last years in Tel Aviv. Schapira published articles on the affairs of the yishuv in the Hebrew press and was known especially for his poetry, which was, in effect, the first labor poetry to be written in Ereẓ Israel. His song "Ya-Ḥai-Li-Li, Hah Amali" and his Hebrew translation of E. *Zunser's song "Ha-Maḥareshah" were popular favorites for two generations. He signed these songs with the pseudonym "Bar-Nash."


M. Ravina, "Ya-Ḥai-Li-Li, Hah Amali" u-Meḥabbero (1966).

[Getzel Kressel]

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