Schank, Roger C(arl)

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SCHANK, Roger C(arl)

SCHANK, Roger C(arl). American, b. 1946. Genres: Information science/ Computers, Education. Career: Tracor, Austin, TX, engineer/scientist in Semiotics Group, 1966-68; Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, research associate in computer science, 1968-69, assistant professor of linguistics and computer science, 1969-74; Institute for Semantics and Cognition, Castagnola, Switzerland, research fellow, 1973-74; Yale University, New Haven, CT, associate professor, 1974-76, professor of computer science and psychology, 1976-89, chairman of department of computer science, 1980-85, director of Yale Artificial Intelligence Project, 1974-89, and Cognitive Science Project, 1979-85; Northwestern University, John Evans Professor of Computer Science, Education and Psychology and director of the Institute for the Learning Science, 1989-; Cognitive Systems, Inc., president, 1981-83, chairman of board, 1983-88; Compu-Teach, Inc., president, 1982-84, chairman, 1984-88; Cognitive Arts Corp, chairman and chief technology officer, 1995-; Guest on radio and television programs. Publications: (with R. Abelson) Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding, 1977; (ed. with C.K. Riesbeck) Inside Computer Understanding, 1981; Reading and Understanding: Teaching from an Artificial Intelligence Perspective, 1981; Dynamic Memory, 1982; (with P.G. Childers) The Cognitive Computer on Language, Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, 1985; Explanation Patterns, 1986; (with P.G. Childers) The Creative Attitude, 1988; (with C.K. Riesbeck) Inside Case-Based Reasoning, 1989; Tell Me a Story, 1990; The Connoisseur's Guide to the Mind, 1991; (with E. Langer) Beliefs, Reasoning, and Decision Making, 1994; (with A. Kass and C.K. Riesbeck) Inside Case-Based Explanation, 1994; (with C. Cleary) Engines for Education, 1995; Virtual Learning, 1997; Inside Multimedia Case-Based Instruction, 1998; Dynamic Memory Revisited, 1999. Address: Institute for the Learning Sciences, 1890 Maple Ave., Evanston, IL 60201, U.S.A. Online address: