Prins, Liepman Philip

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PRINS, LIEPMAN PHILIP (Eliezer Liepman ; 1835–1915), merchant and scholar of Arnhem, the Netherlands. Until 1876 Prins was privately tutored, after which time he continued his studies in Amsterdam and moved to Frankfurt in 1887.

He was the publisher of the previously unedited part of the work by David Abudarham, Tashlum-Abudraham, for *Mekizei Nirdamim (1900). He also wrote an introduction to a second edition of Seder Berakhot by Michael Moravsky. His own writings include annotations on the tractate Ḥullin (204b) and on the siddur (in Oẓar ha-Tefillot, 1915) as well as numerous articles in Jewish weeklies and journals.

In recent years more details became known about him as one of his grandchildren, Els Bendheim, initiated the publication of his correspondence, the marginal notes he made in his books, and an anthology of his work in Dutch.

His library consisting of 6,000 books was moved to Jerusalem (and opened to the public in 1930); it is still kept as such at Lipschuetz Teachers' College (Jerusalem).


A.B. Posner, R. Eliezer Liepman Prins, Ḥayyav va-Avodato ha-Sifrutit (1939). add bibliography: Liepman Philip Prins: His Scholarly Correspondence (Hebr./Eng.) (1992), incl. biogr.; Liepman Philip Prins: His Scholarly Contribution – Insights and Essays (Hebr./Eng.) (1999); Aantekeningen in de marge. Liepman Philip Prins: Een Amsterdamse geleerde uit de Mediene (2001), incl. biogr.

[Frederik Jacob Hirsch /

F.J. Hoogewoud (2nd ed.)]

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