Prins, Harald E. L.

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PRINS, Harald E. L.

PRINS, Harald E. L. Dutch, b. 1951. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology. Career: University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, assistant professor of history, 1976-78; Association of Aroostook Indians, Houlton, ME, director of research and development, 1981-82; Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, lecturer in anthropology, 1986-88; Colby College, Waterville, ME, visiting professor of anthropology, 1988-89; Bowdoin College, lecturer in anthropology, 1990; Kansas State University, Manhattan, assistant professor, 1990-94, associate professor, 1994-96, professor of anthropology, 1996-, acting director of American Ethnic Studies Program, 1995. University of Maine, adjunct professor, 1989. Aroostook Band of Micmacs, staff anthropologist; Miawpukek Band of Mi'kmaq, land claims adviser; Micmac Indian Artisans in Northern Maine, film project director, 1983-85; Amnesty International, international observer of native rights in Paraguay. Conducted archaeological field work in Maine, the Netherlands, and Israel; conducted ethnohistorical field work among the Wabanaki, beginning in 1982; conducted ethnographic field work among the Native people of Canada, Maine, and Oklahoma. Publications: Our Lives in Our Hands (documentary film), 1986; (ed. with E. Baker and others, and contrib) American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture, and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega, 1994; The Mi'kmaq: Resistance, Accommodation, and Cultural Survival, 1996; Ramblings of a White Indian: The Life of John Johnson, in press. Contributor to books and academic journals. Address: Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 207 Waters Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, U.S.A. Online address:

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