Praepositinus of Cremona

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Theologian; b. Cremona, 113035; d. Paris, Feb. 25, 1210. He was a student of maurice of sully, achard of saint-victor, and peter comestor. Before 1194 he taught at Paris and lived among the Cathari in Lombardy or Mainz; he was master of the episcopal school of Mainz (11941203), was used by the Holy See as judgedelegate, and was chancellor at the University of Paris (120609). His authentic writings include a Summa theologica (119094); the lost Distinctiones Praepositini, which was the source of the Collecta ex distinctionibus Praepositini; Summa super psalterium (before 119698); and the Summa de officiis (119698), which was used almost completely in Durandus of Mende's Rationale divinorum officiorum. Unauthentic are the Porretanian Quaestiones Praepositini (117080), Summa contra haereticos (c. 1200), and the Summa de poenitentia iniungenda (after 1202).

Bibliography: g. lacombe, La Vie et les oeuvres de Prévostin (Bibliothèque Thomiste 11; 1927); Dictionnaire de théologie catholique 13.1:162169. c. ottaviano, Rivista de filosofica neoscholastica 20 (1928) 366371. o. lottin, "Le Traité sur le péché originel des Questiones Prepositini, " Recherches de théologie ancienne et médievale 6 (1934) 416422; Psychologie et morale aux XII e et XIII e siècles, 6 v. in 8 (Louvain 194260) v. 6. a. fries, Urgerechtigkeit, Fall und Erbsünde nach Präpositin von Cremona and Wilhelm von Auxerre (Freiburg 1940). d. van den eynde, "Précisions chronologiques sur quelques oeuvres théologiques du XIIe siècle," Antonianum 26 (1951) 239241. a. m. landgraf, Introducción a la historia de la literatura teológica de la escolástica incipiente (Barcelona 1956). j. corbett and j. n. garvin, eds., Summa contra haereticos (Notre Dame, Ind. 1958). l. hÖdl, Die Geschichte der scholastischen Literatur und der Theologie der Schlüsselgewalt, v.1 (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters 38.4; 1960) 273289.

[j. n. garvin]

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