Muard, Marie Jean Baptiste

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Founder of the Society of st. edmund; b. Vireaux (Yonne), France, April 24, 1809; d. La Pierre-qui-Vire (Yonne), France, June 19, 1854. After studies at the major seminary in Sens, he was ordained (1834) and spent the next six years in parochial ministries. He was eager to become a missionary, but his bishop refused him permission to go to China. In 1843 he founded at the ancient Cistercian monastery in Pontigny (Yonne) a group of diocesan missionary priests, known originally as Prêtres Auxiliaires, Missionaires de St. Edmond, and later as the Society of St. Edmund. Muard remained at Pontigny until 1848. During this period he gave stability to the community and composed its rule. After sojourning in Rome and Subiaco he returned to France and in 1850 founded the monastery of Sainte Marie de La Pierrequi-Vire near Avallon (Yonne). This community, which belongs to the Benedictine congregation of Subiaco, became an abbey in 1884. Muard continued an active apostolate until he fell ill after preaching a mission at Saint-Étienne. He died a few days later. His process for beatification opened in Rome in 1928.

Bibliography: The Life of Jean Baptiste Muard, v. 9 of Library of Religious Biography, ed. e. h. thompson, 9 v. (London 186786). l. brulÉe, Life of the Rev. Mary John Baptist Muard, tr. i. robot (New York 1882). j. bouchard, Vie du R. P. Muard, 2 v. (Paris 1893). l. veuillot, Le R. P. Muard (Paris 1901). d. huerre, Jean-Baptiste Muard (Saint-Léger-Vauban, Yonne 1950). g. bernoville, Le Père Muard (Paris 1942). v. f. nicolle, Historical Sketch of the Society of St. Edmund (Burlington, VT 1943). p. lousin, Revue Mabillon 51 (1961): 179191.

[g. e. dupont]

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