Horowitz, Ẓevi Hirsch ben Joshua Moses Aaron Ha-Levi

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HOROWITZ, ẒEVI HIRSCH BEN JOSHUA MOSES AARON HA-LEVI (17th century), Lithuanian rabbi and kabbalist. Horowitz served as rabbi in three communities of the Zamut region of Lithuania: Keidan, Wizuny, and Birg, and was apparently the first head of a yeshivah in Zamut. Because of the burden of the rabbinate he moved to Zabludow. In the last months before the outbreak of the *Chmielnicki massacres of 1648 he took part in the meeting of the *Council of Four Lands in Lublin and his name appears fourth on the *takkanah of that year. Horowitz was the author of Ga'on Ẓevi (Prague, 1737), halakhic novellae on the tractates Yevamot, Ketubbot, Kiddushin, Bava Kamma, Bava Meẓia, Ḥullin, and also responsa. His grandson, Dov Baer Horowitz, who prepared the book for publication, gives various biographical details of his grandfather in his introduction. At the beginning of the book there is also a "laudatory poem" in rhymed verse by the author; Aspaklarya ha-Me'irah (1776), a commentary to the Zohar with additions by his grandson and an appendix, Minḥhat Ani, consisting of additions by his son-in-law, Mordecai ha-Levi Model of Schwabach.


Horowitz, in: hhy, 15 (1931), 89f.; G. Scholem, Bibliographia Kabbalistica (1927), 195 no. 42; D.M. Lipman, Le-Toldot ha-Yehudim be-Lita-Zamot (1934), 42f.

[Yehoshua Horowitz]

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Horowitz, Ẓevi Hirsch ben Joshua Moses Aaron Ha-Levi

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