Chardon, Mathias Charles

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Theologian; b. Yvois-Carignan (Ardennes), Sept. 22, 1695; d. Abbey of St. Arnoul, Metz, Oct. 20, 1771. He was a Benedictine of the Abbey of St. Vannes, Verdun, where he served as novice master and later taught philosophy and theology until he was deposed by the general chapter of the Congregation of St. Vannes in 1730 for refusing to submit to the constitution Unigenitus. His great work, which still has value, is a history of the celebration and administration of the Sacraments from apostolic times to his own day, Histoire des sacrements (6 v. Paris 1745). It is to be found in Migne's Cursus Theologiae completus (v.30).

Bibliography: b. heurtebize, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. a. vacant et al., 15 v. (Paris 190350) 2.2:2216.

[a. rock]

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