Bouillon, Emmanuel Théodose de la Tour d'Auvergne

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French diplomat, prelate; b. Turenne, Aug. 24, 1643;d. Rome, March 2, 1715. He was educated at the College of Navarre in Paris, and received the doctorate in theology at the Sorbonne in 1667. In 1669 he was created a cardinal at the request of Louis XIV, and two years later was named Louis's chief almoner. However, he became involved in court intrigue through his efforts to further his family's fortunes, and was removed from office and exiled to the abbey of Cluny by the king in 1685. Eventually he was back in favor and for a time was the royal representative in Rome. Again Bouillon irritated Louis XIV by failing to demand the condemnation of Fénelon at Rome and by refusing to answer the king's summons back to France. Despite the royal displeasure, Bouillon functioned in Rome as dean of the cardinals, and directed the conclave that elected Clement XL. Finally he submitted and accepted retirement, first at Cluny (170109), and then in Holland (170913). In 1713 he returned to Rome, died there, and was buried at the Jesuit novitiate.

Bibliography: l. de rouvroy saintsimon, Mémoires, ed. a. de boislisle, 41 v. (Paris 18791928) v.7, 26. f. reyssiÉ, Le Cardinal de Bouillon 16431715 (Paris 1899). a. de boislisle, "La Désertion du cardinal de Bouillon en 1710," Revue des questions historiques 84 (1908) 420471; 85 (1909) 61107, 444491.

[c. b. o'keefe]

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