Bouillon, Frédéric Maurice de La Tour d'Auvergne, duc de

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Frédéric Maurice de La Tour d'Auvergne Bouillon, duc de (frādārēk´ mōrēs´ də lä tōōr dōvĕr´nyə dük də bōōyôN´), c.1605–1652, French general; son of Henri de Bouillon. Brought up a Protestant, he campaigned in Holland under his uncle Maurice of Nassau. In 1635 he entered the service of France. He rebelled against Cardinal Richelieu in 1641, but after a reconciliation he was given command (1642) of the French forces in Italy. Soon afterward he was arrested in the Cinq Mars conspiracy and, in return for pardon, ceded to France the sovereign principality of Sedan, which his family had held. He embraced Roman Catholicism, went to Rome, and commanded the papal troops. In 1649 he returned to France and took part in the Fronde on the side of the princes. In 1651, however, he submitted and exchanged Sedan and Rocourt, which he then held as fiefs, for other territories.

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