Bet Aglayim

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BET AGLAYIM , a place mentioned by Eusebius (Onom. 48:19) 8 mi. (13 km.) S. of Gaza, near the sea coast, which he erroneously identified with the biblical Beth-Hoglah (Josh. 15:6; 18:19–21). Bet Aglayim is most probably the ancient name of the important Tell al-ʿAjjūl located about 4½ mi. (7 km.) southwest of Gaza, which was excavated from 1929 to 1931 by Sir Flinders Petrie (who identified it with ancient Gaza). The remains at Tell al-ʿAjjūl date mainly from the Middle and Late Bronze Ages and include Hyksos fortifications and graves, and the palace of an Egyptian governor. Rich finds of gold, silver, and jewelry were discovered in the tombs.


W.M.F. Petrie, Ancient Gaza, 5 vols. (1931–52); Maisler, in: zdpv, 56 (1933), 186ff.; Abel, Geog, 2 (1938), 265; Albright, in: ajsll, 55 (1938), 337–59.

[Michael Avi-Yonah]

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