Argentré, Charles du Plessis d'

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Theologian; b. near Vitré, France, May 16, 1673; d. Tulle, Nov. 27, 1740. After he became a socius of the Sorbonne in 1698, he was ordained in 1699 and obtained a doctorate in theology the next year. In 1707 he was named vicar-general of Tréguiers and in 1725 was consecrated bishop of Tulle. Among his scholarly works are the anonymous Apologie de l'amour (Amsterdam 1698) written against F. fÉnelon in the controversy over quietism, and his edition of Martini Grandini opera theologica (6 v. Paris 171012), to which he added some valuable works of his own as appendices. His most important contribution is, however, his Collectio de novis erroribus (3 v. Paris 172436). This work contains many documents (decisions of Roman congregations, papal acta, judgments of famous universities) on erroneous doctrines and controverted theological questions from the 12th century onward.

Bibliography: j. balteau, Dictionnaire de biographie française (Paris 1929) 3:575576. f. stegmÜller, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner, 10 v. (2d ed. Freiburg 195765) 1:837.

[m. a. roche]

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