Sekai Kyūseikyō

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Sekai Kyūseikyō (Jap., ‘The Religion for World Salvation’). Japanese religion founded by Okada Mokichi (1882–1955). Okada originally belonged to Ōmotokyō, until in 1926, it was revealed to him in a state of divine possession that he was the messiah of the present age. He established Dainihon Kannonkai, focused on the bodhisattva Kannon (see AVALOKITEŚVARA), with the purposes of establishing communion with Kannon and of healing. Required by the government to choose one or the other, he chose healing, and the movement was renamed Nihon Jōka Ryōhō. After the Second World War, he reverted to the two goals, calling the movement Nihon Kannon Kyōdan, but after a schism, he arrived at the present name. Faith-healing is central in the movement, under the name and technique of jōrei: this involves transmitting healing divine light through cupped hands. Equally important is shizen nōhō, agriculture that follows the way of nature. Sekai Kyuseikyo believes that heaven on earth (chijō tengoku) can be established on earth at its centre at Atami. Museums and gardens exhibit the importance of harmony and beauty.

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