Popes of the Roman Catholic Church ( (table))

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Popes of the Roman Catholic Church

Popes of the Roman Catholic Church
In the following list, the date of election, rather than of consecration, is given. Before St. Victor I (189), dates may err by one year. Antipopes—i.e., those men whose elections have been declared uncanonical—are indicated.
St. Peter, d. 64? or 67?
St. Linus, 67?–76?
St. Cletus, or Anacletus, 76?–88?
St. Clement I, 88?–97?
St. Evaristus, 97?–105?
St. Alexander I, 105?–115?
St. Sixtus I, 115?–125?
St. Telesphorus, 125?–136?
St. Hyginus, 136?–140?
St. Pius I, 140?–155?
St. Anicetus, 155?–166?
St. Soter, 166?–175?
St. Eleutherius, 175?–189?
St. Victor I, 189–99
St. Zephyrinus, 199–217
St. Calixtus I, 217–22
antipope: St. Hippolytus, 217–35
St. Urban I, 222–30
St. Pontian, 230–35
St. Anterus, 235–36
St. Fabian, 236–50
St. Cornelius, 251–53
antipope: Novatian, 251
St. Lucius I, 253–54
St. Stephen I, 254–57
St. Sixtus II, 257–58
St. Dionysius, 259–68
St. Felix I, 269–74
St. Eutychian, 275–83
St. Caius, 283–96
St. Marcellinus, 296–304
St. Marcellus I, c.308–309
St. Eusebius, 309–c.310
St. Miltiades, or Melchiades, 311–14
St. Sylvester I, 314–35
St. Marcus, 336
St. Julius I, 337–52
Liberius, 352–66
antipope:Felix, 355–65
St. Damasus I, 366–84
antipope: Ursinus, 366–67
St. Siricius, 384–99
St. Anastasius I, 399–401
St. Innocent I, 401–17
St. Zosimus, 417–18
St. Boniface I, 418–22
antipope: Eulalius, 418–19
St. Celestine I, 422–32
St. Sixtus III, 432–40
St. Leo I, 440–61
St. Hilary, 461–68
St. Simplicius, 468–83
St. Felix III (or II), 483–92
St. Gelasius I, 492–96
Anastasius II, 496–98
St. Symmachus, 498–514
antipope: Lawrence, 498–505
St. Hormisdas, 514–23
St. John I, 523–26
St. Felix IV (or III) 526–30
Boniface II, 530–32
pope or antipope: Dioscurus, 530
John II, 533–35
St. Agapetus I, 535–36
St. Silverius, 536–37
Vigilius, 537–55
Pelagius I, 556–61
John III, 561–74
Benedict I, 575–79
Pelagius II, 579–90
St. Gregory I, 590–604
Sabinian, 604–6
Boniface III, 607
St. Boniface IV, 608–15
St. Deusdedit, or Adeodatus I, 615–18
Boniface V, 619–25
Honorius I, 625–38
Severinus, 640
John IV, 640–42
Theodore I, 642–49
St. Martin I, 649–55
St. Eugene I, 654–57
St. Vitalian, 657–72
Adeodatus II, 672–76
Donus, 676–78
St. Agatho, 678–81
St. Leo II, 682–83
St. Benedict II, 684–85
John V, 685–86
Conon, 686–87
antipope: Theodore, 687
antipope: Paschal, 687
St. Sergius I, 687–701
John VI, 701–5
John VII, 705–7
Sisinnius, 708
Constantine, 708–15
St. Gregory II, 715–31
St. Gregory III, 731–41
St. Zacharias, 741–52
Stephen II, 752 (never consecrated)
Stephen II (or III), 752–57
St. Paul I, 757–67
antipope: Constantine, 767–69
antipope: Philip, 768
Stephen III (or IV), 768–72
Adrian I, 772–95
St. Leo III, 795–816
Stephen IV (or V), 816–17
St. Paschal I, 817–24
Eugene II, 824–27
Valentine, 827
Gregory IV, 827–44
antipope: John, 844
Sergius II, 844–47
St. Leo IV, 847–55
Benedict III, 855–58
antipope: Anastasius, 855
St. Nicholas I, 858–67
Adrian II, 867–72
John VIII, 872–82
Marinus I, 882–84
St. Adrian III, 884–85
Stephen V (or VI), 885–91
Formosus, 891–96
Boniface VI, 896
Stephen VI (or VII), 896–97
Romanus, 897
Theodore II, 897
John IX, 898–900
Benedict IV, 900–903
Leo V, 903
antipope: Christopher, 903–4
Sergius III, 904–11
Anastasius III, 911–13
Lando, 913–14
John X, 914–28
Leo VI, 928
Stephen VII (or VIII), 928–31
John XI, 931–35
Leo VII, 936–39
Stephen VIII (or IX), 939–42
Marinus II, 942–46
Agapetus II, 946–55
John XII, 955–64
Leo VII, 963–65, or Benedict V, 964–66 (one of these was an antipope)
John XIII, 965–72
Benedict VI, 973–74
antipope: Boniface VII, 974, 984–85
Benedict VII, 974–83
John XIV, 983–84
John XV, 985–96
Gregory V, 996–99
antipope: John XVI, 997–98
Sylvester II, 999–1003
John XVII, 1003
John XVIII, 1004–9
Sergius IV, 1009–12
Benedict VIII, 1012–24
antipope: Gregory, 1012
John XIX, 1024–32
Benedict IX, 1032–44
Sylvester III, 1045
Benedict IX, 1045
Gregory VI, 1045–46
Clement II, 1046–47
Benedict IX, 1047–48
Damasus II, 1048
St. Leo IX, 1049–54
Victor II, 1055–57
Stephen IX (or X), 1057–58
antipope: Benedict X, 1058–59
Nicholas II, 1058–61
Alexander II, 1061–73
antipope: Honorius II, 1061–72
St. Gregory VII, 1073–85
antipope: Clement III, 1080–1100 (see Guibert of Ravenna)
Victor III, 1086–87
Urban II, 1088–99
Paschal II, 1099–1118
antipope: Theodoric, 1100
antipope: Albert, 1102
antipope: Sylvester IV, 1105–11
Gelasius II, 1118–19
antipope: Gregory VIII, 1118–21
Calixtus II, 1119–24
Honorius II, 1124–30
antipope: Celestine II, 1124
Innocent II, 1130–43
antipope: Anacletus II, 1130–38
antipope: Victor IV, 1138
Celestine II, 1143–44
Lucius II, 1144–45
Eugene III, 1145–53
Anastasius IV, 1153–54
Adrian IV, 1154–59
Alexander III, 1159–81
antipope: Victor IV, 1159–64
antipope: Paschal III, 1164–68
antipope: Calixtus III, 1168–78
antipope: Innocent III, 1179–80
Lucius III, 1181–85
Urban III, 1185–87
Gregory VIII, 1187
Clement III, 1187–91
Celestine III, 1191–98
Innocent III, 1198–1216
Honorius III, 1216–27
Gregory IX, 1227–41
Celestine IV, 1241
Innocent IV, 1243–54
Alexander IV, 1254–61
Urban IV,1261–64
Clement IV, 1265–68
Gregory X, 1271–76
Innocent V, 1276
Adrian V, 1276
John XXI, 1276–77
Nicholas III, 1277–80
Martin IV, 1281–85
Honorius IV, 1285–87
Nicholas IV, 1288–92
St. Celestine V, 1294
Boniface VIII, 1294–1303
Benedict XI, 1303–4
Clement V, 1305–14
John XXII, 1316–34
antipope: Nicholas V, 1328–30 (see Rainalducci, Pietro)
Benedict XII, 1334–42
Clement VI, 1342–52
Innocent VI, 1352–62
Urban V, 1362–70
Gregory XI, 1370–78
The Great Schism, 1378–1417
Roman Line
Urban VI, 1378–89
Boniface IX, 1389–1404
Innocent VII, 1404–6
Gregory XII, 1406–15
Avignon Line
antipope: Clement VII, 1378–94 (see Robert of Geneva)
antipope: Benedict XIII, 1394–1423 (see Luna, Pedro de)
antipope: Clement VII, 1423–29
antipope: Benedict XIV, 1425–30
Pisan Line
antipope: Alexander V, 1409–10
antipope: John XXIII, 1410–15 (see Cossa, Baldassare)
Martin V, 1417–31
Eugene IV, 1431–47
antipope: Felix V, 1439–49 (see Amadeus VIII)
Nicholas V, 1447–55
Calixtus III, 1455–58
Pius II, 1458–64
Paul II, 1464–71
Sixtus IV, 1471–84
Innocent VIII, 1484–92
Alexander VI, 1492–1503
Pius III, 1503
Julius II, 1503–13
Leo X, 1513–21
Adrian VI, 1522–23
Clement VII, 1523–34
Paul III, 1534–49
Julius III, 1550–55
Marcellus II, 1555
Paul IV, 1555–59
Pius IV, 1559–65
St. Pius V, 1566–72
Gregory XIII, 1572–85
Sixtus V, 1585–90
Urban VII, 1590
Gregory XIV, 1590–91
Innocent IX, 1591
Clement VIII, 1592–1605
Leo XI, 1605
Paul V, 1605–21
Gregory XV, 1621–23
Urban VIII, 1623–44
Innocent X, 1644–55
Alexander VII, 1655–67
Clement IX, 1667–69
Clement X, 1670–76
Innocent XI, 1676–89
Alexander VIII, 1689–91
Innocent XII, 1691–1700
Clement XI, 1700–1721
Innocent XIII, 1721–24
Benedict XIII, 1724–30
Clement XII, 1730–40
Benedict XIV, 1740–58
Clement XIII, 1758–69
Clement XIV, 1769–74
Pius VI, 1775–99
Pius VII, 1800–1823
Leo XII, 1823–29
Pius VIII, 1829–30
Gregory XVI, 1831–46
Pius IX, 1846–78
Leo XIII, 1878–1903
St. Pius X, 1903–14
Benedict XV, 1914–22
Pius XI, 1922–39
Pius XII, 1939–58
John XXIII, 1958–63
Paul VI, 1963–78
John Paul I, 1978
John Paul II, 1978–2005
Benedict XVI, 2005–13
Francis, 2013–

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