Mouvement Lacanien Français (French Lacanian Movement)

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More than twenty associations emerged from the 1980 dissolution of theÉcole freudienne de Paris (EFP, the Freudian School of Paris) and the demise of La Cause freudienne (The Freudian Cause) in January 1981. A new school, theÉcole de la cause freudienne (The School of the Freudian Cause) was immediately formed as a substitute for them. What follows is a chronological listing of the principle groups.

On the February 1, 1981, Claude Dumézil and André Rondepierre founded the Cartels Constituants (Constituent Cartels), an association that was later weakened by the death of Rondepierre and numerous defections that formed the basis of two other groups.

On March 7, 1981, Jean Clavreul, Solange Faladé, and Charles Melman founded the Centre d'etudes et de recherches freudiennes (CERF, Center for Freudian Study and Research), which collapsed just a short while later and was the origin of three other groups.

In June 1982, Charles Melman founded the Association freudienne (Freudian Association), which has since become the Association freudienne internationale (AFI, International Freudian Association), the most important of a number of Lacanian associations. This group publishes Discours psychanalytique, Le Journal de la psychanalyse de l'enfant, Le Trimestre psychanalytique, Le Journal français de psychiatrie, and since 1999, La Célibataire. The AFI, which reintroduced the question of the pass in June 1994, has a large number of members in both Belgium and Argentina.

On June 28, 1982, Maud Mannoni put forth a call for an institution that could ensure the training of young analysts. She subsequently founded the Centre de formation et de recherches psychanalytique (CFRP, the Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research) with Octave Mannoni and Patrick Guyomard. This group developed rapidly and numbered 550 members at the time of its dissolution in 1995. It also published Esquisses Psychanalytiques and an important series on psychoanalysis with the publisher Denoël.

TheÉcole lacanienne de psychanalyse (ELP, the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis) was founded in 1983, by former members of the Constituent Cartels, Jean Allouch, Guy Le Gaufay, Philippe Julien, Erik Porge, and Christian Simatos. This group maintained the ritual of the "pass," but did not nominate the passer. It is very intellectually active and publishes numerous journals, including Littoral (forty-four volumes published) and L'Unebévue (twelve issues published as of 1999). The ELP is very active in Latin America and includes many Argentines and Brazilians.

Analyse Freudienne (Freudian Analysis) was founded by Claude Dumézil after the breakup of the Constituent Cartels. It publishes Analyse freudienne (seventeen issues in 1999), which became Analyse freudienne presse in 2000.

Two numerically important associations arose out of the dissolution of the CFRP. One was L'Espace Analytique (Analytic Space), founded by Maud Mannoni on October 16, 1994; it publishes Figures de la psychanalyse. The other was the Société de psychanalyse freudienne (Society for Freudian Psychoanalysis) founded in February 1995 by Patrick Guyomard. This group publishes the Lettres de la société de psychanalyse freudienne. Like the CFRP, both of these groups reject the pass and emphasize teaching and the training of analysts. Analysts become members upon the approval of an authorizing jury, which takes into account the course of the candidates' careers and their analytic practice.

Other important groups include theÉcole freudienne (Freudian School), founded in 1983 by Solange Faladé, the Cercle Freudien (The Freudian Circle), and the Mouvement du coût freudien (Freudian Cost Movement).

On the international level, many Lacanians exist within a flexible organization, Convergence. And the Interassociatif européen de psychanalyse (European Coalition for Psychoanalysis) gathers together many of the organizations listed above as well as several others in France, Denmark, Spain, Italy, and Luxembourg.

Finally there is the Association pour une instance tierce de la psychanalyse (APUI, Association for a Third Era in Psychoanalysis) which was founded by Serge Leclaire in January 1990. This group reflects upon the position of psychoanalysis in European culture, holds biannual seminars, elaborates on the place of psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts in society, and opposes state and medical constraints on psychoanalysis.

Jacques SÉdat

See also: Althusser, Louis; Aubry Weiss, Jenny; Aulagnier-Spairani, Piera, ex-Castoriadis-Aulagnier; Beirnaert, Louis; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; Certeau, Michel de; Dolto-Marette, Françoise; École de la Cause Freudienne; École Expérimental de Bonneuil;École Freudienne de Paris; France; Great Britain; Hesnard, Angélo Louis Marie; Italy; Leclaire (Liebschutz), Serge; Mannoni, Dominique-Octave; Mannoni-Van der Spoel, Maude (Magdalena); Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Ornicar? ; Pass, the; Peraldi, François; Perrier, François; Portugal; Spain, history of psychoanalysis in; Splits in psychoanalysis; Sweden.

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