
views updated May 23 2018

poodle Breed of dog believed to have originated in Germany. Bred originally to retrieve from water, its intelligence has made it a popular pet. It has a rounded skull and long, straight body, and a high-set tail, often docked. The thick, wiry coat is commonly clipped into an ornate style. The main sizes are standard, miniature and toy. Height: (standard) more than 38cm (15in) at the shoulder.


views updated May 09 2018

poo·dle / ˈpoōdl/ • n. a dog of a breed with a curly coat that is usually clipped. The numerous varieties of poodle include standard, miniature, and toy.


views updated Jun 08 2018

poodle XIX. — G. pudel, taken to be short for pudelhund, f. pudeln splash in water, the poodle being a water-dog.

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