
views updated May 14 2018

fleet1 / flēt/ • n. the largest group of naval vessels under one commander, organized for specific tactical or other purposes: an invasion fleet. ∎  (the fleet) a country's navy: the U.S. fleet. ∎  a group of ships sailing together, engaged in the same activity, or under the same ownership: the small port supports a fishing fleet. ∎  a number of ships, vehicles or aircraft operating together or under the same ownership: a fleet of ambulances took the injured to hospital.fleet2 • adj. fast and nimble in movement: a man of advancing years, but fleet of foot.DERIVATIVES: fleet·ly adv.fleet·ness n.fleet3 • n. Brit. a marshland creek, channel, or ditch.fleet4 • v. [intr.] poetic/lit. move or pass quickly: a variety of expressions fleeted across his face time may fleet and youth may fade. ∎  [tr.] pass (time) rapidly. ∎  fade away; be transitory: the cares of boyhood fleet away.


views updated May 11 2018

fleet3 †float OE.; (arch.) flow or glide away XII. OE. str. vb. flēotan float, swim = OS. fliotan (Du. vlieten), OHG. fliozan (G. fliessen), ON. fljóta float, flow :- Gmc. *fleutan; f. IE. *pleud- *plud-, extension of *pleu- *plou- plu- (repr. by Gr. pleîn :- *pleFfein sail, OSl. pluti, Skr. plávate swim, float, L. pluere rain); cf. FLY2. Surviving mainly in fleeting ppl. adj. †floating, swimming OE.; †shifting, inconstant XIII; passing quickly away XVI.


views updated May 29 2018

fleet2 (dial.) run of water OE.; (hist.) The Fleet that flowing into the Thames between Ludgate Hill and Fleet Street; (hence) the prison near it XIII. OE. flēot (also flēote or -a), corr. to OFris. flēt, (M)Du. vliet, MHG. vliez, ON. fljót, f. Gmc. *fleut -FLEET3.


views updated May 18 2018


the naval force of a country; a number of ships belonging to a company; a number of persons; birds or other objects moving in company; a group of lorries or trucks.

Examples: fleet of aircraft; of barges, 1840; of birds, 1884; of colliers, 1865; of wild ducks, 1810; of knights, 1450; of lant-horns, 1675; of lorries; of motor vehicles; of mudhens; of ships.


views updated Jun 27 2018

fleet1 naval force. OE. flēot (once) ship or ships coll., f. flēotan float, swim, FLEET3.


views updated Jun 11 2018

fleet4 swift. XVI. prob. much older if — ON. fljótr, f. Gmc. *fleut- (see prec.).

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