
views 3,307,348 updated Jun 11 2018

lath / la[unvoicedth]/ • n. (pl. laths / la[voicedth]z; la[unvoicedth]s/ ) a thin flat strip of wood, esp. one of a series forming a foundation for the plaster of a wall or the tiles of a roof, or made into a trellis or fence. ∎  laths collectively as a building material, esp. as a foundation for supporting plaster.• v. [tr.] cover (a wall or ceiling) with laths.


views 3,110,867 updated Jun 11 2018

lath OE. lætt (corr. to MDu. latte, Du. lat, G. dial latz) survives in mod. dial. lat, but began to be replaced XIV in general use by lat(h)the, which appears to repr. an OE. *lœðð-, corr. to OHG. latta (G. latte); ult. relations obscure.


views 1,756,014 updated May 17 2018

1. Narrow, thin strip of wood used as a base for a plaster finish.

2. Slightly larger timber, more a batten or firring-strip secured to beams, rafters, studs, etc., as a fixing for tiles, slates, or other finish.

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