Lathrop, Douglas A. 1971–

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Lathrop, Douglas A. 1971–

PERSONAL: Born July 18, 1971, in Hartford, CT; son of Richard (an insurance executive) and Jacqueline (a town clerk; maiden name, Saucier) Lathrop; married Angela Garcia (an executive), November 19, 2001; children: Barrett Allen. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: University of Connecticut, B.A., 1993; George Washington University, M.A., 1995; University of Massachusetts, Ph.D., 2001. Politics: Republican. Religion: Roman Catholic.

ADDRESSES: Office—U.S. House of Representatives, 2113 Rayburn House Office Bldg., Washington, DC, 20515. E-mail—

CAREER: Writer, legislative director, and educator. American Legislative Exchange Council, Washington, DC, director of tax policy, 1999–2001; U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, senior legislative assistant to Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn, 2001–03, legislative director for Congresswoman Nancy Johnson, 2003–. George Washington University, adjunct faculty.

MEMBER: American Political Science Association.


The Campaign Continues, Praeger Publishers (West-port, CT), 2003.

SIDEUGHTS: Douglas A. Lathrop told CA: "When I started working on Capitol Hill, I was fascinated by the growing influence of political consultants and campaign tactics on the legislative process. Watching elected officials focus on things like advertising, polling, and focus groups to sell a particular public policy seemed to me to be a departure from the traditional way laws were made. Through the course of my research I came to realize, for good or ill, how entrenched these ideas are in modern politics. I am still fascinated by the workings of American politics and feel very fortunate to work in a field that allows me to test the practical application of academic theories. To me, there is nothing more rewarding than playing a role, albeit small, in the passage of a law."

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