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A.Atlantic Reporter
A. 2dAtlantic Reporter, Second Series
AAAlcoholics Anonymous
AAAAmerican Arbitration Association; Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
AALSAssociation of American Law Schools
AAPRPAll African People's Revolutionary Party
AARPAmerican Association of Retired Persons
AASAmerican Anti-Slavery Society
ABAAmerican Bar Association; Architectural Barriers Act of 1968;
American Bankers Association
ABCAmerican Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (formerly American Broadcasting Corporation)
ABMAntiballistic missile
ABM TreatyAnti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972
ABVPAnti-Biased Violence Project
A.C.Appeal cases
ACAAAir Carrier Access Act
ACCAArmed Career Criminal Act of 1984
ACFAdministration for Children and Families
ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union
ACRSAccelerated Cost Recovery System
ACSAgricultural Cooperative Service
ACTAmerican College Test
Act'g Legal Adv.Acting Legal Advisor
ACUSAdministrative Conference of the United States
ACYFAdministration on Children, Youth, and Families
A.D. 2dAppellate Division, Second Series, N.Y.
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990
ADAMHAAlcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
ADCAid to Dependent Children
ADDAdministration on Developmental Disabilities
ADEAAge Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
ADLAnti-Defamation League
ADRAlternative dispute resolution
AECAtomic Energy Commission
AECBArms Export Control Board
AEDPAAntiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
A.E.R.All England Law Reports
AFAAmerican Family Association; Alabama Freethought Association
AFBAmerican Farm Bureau
AFBFAmerican Farm Bureau Federation
AFDCAid to Families with Dependent Children
aff'd per cur.Affirmed by the court
AFISAutomated fingerprint identification system
AFLAmerican Federation of Labor
AFL-CIOAmerican Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
AFResAir Force Reserve
AFSCAmerican Friends Service Committee
AFSCMEAmerican Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
AGRICOLAAgricultural Online Access
AIAAssociation of Insurance Attorneys
AIBAmerican Institute for Banking
AIDArtificial insemination using a third-party donor's sperm; Agency for International Development
AIDSAcquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIHArtificial insemination using the husband's sperm
AIMAmerican Indian Movement
AIPACAmerican Israel Public Affairs Committee
AIUSAAmnesty International, U.S.A. Affiliate
AJSAmerican Judicature Society
ALAAmerican Library Association
AlcoaAluminum Company of America
ALECAmerican Legislative Exchange Council
ALFAnimal Liberation Front
ALIAmerican Law Institute
ALJAdministrative law judge
All E.R.All England Law Reports
ALOAgency Liaison
A.L.R.American Law Reports
ALYAmerican Law Yearbook
AMAAmerican Medical Association
AMAAAgricultural Marketing Agreement Act
Am. Dec.American Decisions
Amer. St. Papers, For. Rels.American State Papers, Legislative and Executive Documents of the Congress of the U.S., Class I, Foreign Relations, 1832–1859
AMSAgricultural Marketing Service
AMVETSAmerican Veterans (of World War II)
ANAAdministration for Native Americans
Ann. Dig.Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases
ANRAAmerican Newspaper Publishers Association
ANSCAAlaska Native Claims Act
ANZUSAustralia-New Zealand-United States Security Treaty Organization
AOAAdministration on Aging
AOEArizonans for Official English
AOLAmerica Online
APAssociated Press
APAAdministrative Procedure Act of 1946
APHISAnimal and Plant Health Inspection Service
App. Div.Appellate Division Reports, N.Y. Supreme Court
Arb. Trib., U.S.-BritishArbitration Tribunal, Claim Convention of 1853, United States and Great Britain Convention of 1853
ArdcorAmerican Roller Die Corporation
ARPAAdvanced Research Projects Agency
ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network
ARSAdvanced Record System
ARUAmerican Railway Union
ASCMEAmerican Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
ASCSAgriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service
ASMAvailable Seatmile
ASPCAAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Asst. Att. Gen.Assistant Attorney General
AT&TAmerican Telephone and Telegraph
ATFDAlcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division
ATLAAssociation of Trial Lawyers of America
ATOAlpha Tau Omega
ATTDAlcohol and Tobacco Tax Division
ATUAlcohol Tax Unit
AUAMAmerican Union against Militarism
AUMAnimal Unit Month
BACBlood alcohol concentration
BALSABlack-American Law Student Association
BATFBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
BBSBulletin Board System
BCCIBank of Credit and Commerce International
BEABureau of Economic Analysis
Bell's Cr. C.Bell's English Crown Cases
BevansUnited States Treaties, etc. Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America, 1776–1949 (compiled under the direction of Charles I. Bevans, 1968–76)
BFOQBona fide occupational qualification
BIBureau of Investigation
BIABureau of Indian Affairs; Board of Immigration Appeals
BIDBusiness improvement district
BJSBureau of Justice Statistics
Black.Black's United States Supreme Court Reports
Blatchf.Blatchford's United States Circuit Court Reports
BLMBureau of Land Management
BLSBureau of Labor Statistics
BMDBallistic missile defense
BNABureau of National Affairs
BOCABuilding Officials and Code Administrators International
BOPBureau of Prisons
BPPBlack Panther Party for Self-defense
Brit. and For.British and Foreign State Papers
BSABoy Scouts of America
BTPBeta Theta Pi
Burr.James Burrows, Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench during the Time of Lord Mansfield (1766–1780)
BVABoard of Veterans Appeals
C3ICommand, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
C.A.Court of Appeals
CAAClean Air Act
CABCivil Aeronautics Board; Corporation for American Banking
CAFECorporate average fuel economy
Cal. 2dCalifornia Reports, Second Series
Cal. 3dCalifornia Reports, Third Series
CALRComputer-assisted legal research
Cal. Rptr.California Reporter
CAPCommon Agricultural Policy
CARAClassification and Ratings Administration
CATVCommunity antenna television
CBOCongressional Budget Office
CBSColumbia Broadcasting System
CBOECChicago Board of Election Commissioners
CCCCommodity Credit Corporation
CCDBGChild Care and Development Block Grant of 1990
C.C.D. Pa.Circuit Court Decisions, Pennsylvania
C.C.D. Va.Circuit Court Decisions, Virginia
CCEACabinet Council on Economic Affairs
CCPChinese Communist Party
CCRCenter for Constitutional Rights
C.C.R.I.Circuit Court, Rhode Island
CDCertificate of deposit; compact disc
CDACommunications Decency Act
CDBGCommunity Development Block Grant Program
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention; Community Development Corporation
CDFChildren's Defense Fund
CDLCitizens for Decency through Law
CD-ROMCompact disc read-only memory
CDSCommunity Dispute Services
CDWCollision damage waiver
CENTOCentral Treaty Organization
CEOChief executive officer
CEQCouncil on Environmental Quality
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980
CETAComprehensive Employment and Training Act
C & FCost and freight
CFE TreatyConventional Forces in Europe Treaty of 1990
C.F. & I.Cost, freight, and insurance
.F.RCode of Federal Regulations
CFNPCommunity Food and Nutrition Program
CFTACanadian Free Trade Agreement
CFTCCommodity Futures Trading Commission
Ch.Chancery Division, English Law Reports
CHAMPVACivilian Health and Medical Program at the Veterans Administration
CHEPCuban/Haitian Entrant Program
CHINSChildren in need of supervision
CHIPSChild in need of protective services
Ch.N.Y.Chancery Reports, New York
Chr. Rob.Christopher Robinson, Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty (1801–1808)
CIACentral Intelligence Agency
CIDCommercial Item Descriptions
C.I.F.Cost, insurance, and freight
CINCNORADCommander in Chief, North American Air Defense Command
C.I.O.Congress of Industrial Organizations
CIPECenter for International Private Enterprise
C.J.Chief justice
CJISCriminal Justice Information Services
C.J.S.Corpus Juris Secundum
Claims Arb. under Spec. Conv., Nielsen's Rept.Frederick Kenelm Nielsen, American and British Claims Arbitration under the Special Agreement Concluded between the United States and Great Britain, August 18, 1910 (1926)
CLASPCenter for Law and Social Policy
CLECenter for Law and Education; Continuing Legal Education
CLEOCouncil on Legal Education Opportunity; Chief Law Enforcement Officer
CLPCommunist Labor Party of America
CLSChristian Legal Society; critical legal studies (movement); Critical Legal Studies (membership organization)
C.M.A.Court of Military Appeals
CMEACouncil for Mutual Economic Assistance
CMHSCenter for Mental Health Services
C.M.R.Court of Military Review
CNNCable News Network
CNOChief of Naval Operations
CNOLConsolidated net operating loss
CNRChicago and Northwestern Railway
COConscientious Objector
C.O.D.Cash on delivery
COGPCommission on Government Procurement
COINTELPROCounterintelligence Program
Coke Rep.Coke's English King's Bench Reports
COLACost-of-living adjustment
COMCENFederal Communications Center
Conn.Connecticut Reports
CONTUNational Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works
COPAChild Online Protection Act (1998)
COPSCommunity Oriented Policing Services
CorbinArthur L. Corbin, Corbin on Contracts: A Comprehensive Treatise on the Rules of Contract Law (1950)
CORECongress on Racial Equality
Cox's Crim. CasesCox's Criminal Cases (England)
COYOTECall Off Your Old Tired Ethics
CPACertified public accountant
CPBCorporation for Public Broadcasting, the
CPIConsumer Price Index
CPPAChild Pornography Prevention Act
CPSCConsumer Product Safety Commission
CranchCranch's United States Supreme Court Reports
CRFConstitutional Rights Foundation
CRRCenter for Constitutional Rights
CRSCongressional Research Service; Community Relations Service
CRTCritical race theory
CSACommunity Services Administration
CSAPCenter for Substance Abuse Prevention
CSATCenter for Substance Abuse Treatment
CSCCivil Service Commission
CSCEConference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
CSGCouncil of State Governments
CSOCommunity Service Organization
CSPCenter for the Study of the Presidency
C-SPANCable-Satellite Public Affairs Network
CSRSCooperative State Research Service
CSWPLCenter on Social Welfare Policy and Law
CTACum testamento annexo (with the will attached)
Ct. Ap. D.C.Court of Appeals, District of Columbia
Ct. App. No. IrelandCourt of Appeals, Northern Ireland
Ct. Cl.Court of Claims, United States
Ct. Crim. Apps.Court of Criminal Appeals (England)
Ct. of Sess., Scot.Court of Sessions, Scotland
CTIConsolidated taxable income
CUCredit union
CUNYCity University of New York
Cush.Cushing's Massachusetts Reports
CWACivil Works Administration; Clean Water Act
DACORBDepartment of the Army Conscientious Objector Review Board
Dall.Dallas's Pennsylvania and United States Reports
DARDaughters of the American Revolution
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DAVADefense Audiovisual Agency
D.C.United States District Court; District of Columbia
D.C. Del.United States District Court, Delaware
D.C. Mass.United States District Court, Massachusetts
D.C. Md.United States District Court, Maryland
D.C.N.D.Cal.United States District Court, Northern District, California
D.C.N.Y.United States District Court, New York
D.C.Pa.United States District Court, Pennsylvania
DCSDeputy Chiefs of Staff
DCZDistrict of the Canal Zone
DEADrug Enforcement Administration
Decl. Lond.Declaration of London, February 26, 1909
Dev. & B.Devereux & Battle's North Carolina Reports
DFLMinnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor
DFTADepartment for the Aging
Dig. U.S. Practice in Intl. LawDigest of U.S. Practice in International Law
Dist. Ct.D.C. United States District Court, District of Columbia
D.L.R.Dominion Law Reports (Canada)
DMCADigital Millennium Copyright Act
DNADeoxyribonucleic acid
DNCDemocratic National Committee
DOCDepartment of Commerce
DODDepartment of Defense
DODEADepartment of Defense Education Activity
DodsonDodson's Reports, English Admiralty Courts
DOEDepartment of Energy
DOERDepartment of Employee Relations
DOJDepartment of Justice
DOLDepartment of Labor
DOMADefense of Marriage Act of 1996
DOSDisk operating system
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DPTDiphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus
DRIDefense Research Institute
DSAADefense Security Assistance Agency
DUIDriving under the influence; driving under intoxication
DVDDigital versatile disc
DWIDriving while intoxicated
EAHCAEducation for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
EBTExamination before trial
E.coliEscherichia coli
ECPAElectronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986
ECSCTreaty of the European Coal and Steel Community
EDAEconomic Development Administration
EDFEnvironmental Defense Fund
E.D.N.Y.Eastern District, New York
EDPElectronic data processing
E.D. Pa.Eastern-District, Pennsylvania
EDSCEastern District, South Carolina
EDTEastern daylight time
E.D. Va.Eastern District, Virginia
EECEuropean Economic Community; European Economic Community Treaty
EEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission
EFFElectronic Frontier Foundation
EFTElectronic funds transfer
Eliz.Queen Elizabeth (Great Britain)
Em. App.Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals
ENEEarly neutral evaluation
Eng. Rep.English Reports
EOPExecutive Office of the President
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency; Equal Pay Act of 1963
ERAEqual Rights Amendment
ERDCEnergy Research and Development Commission
ERISAEmployee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
ERSEconomic Research Service
ERTAEconomic Recovery Tax Act of 1981
ESAEndangered Species Act of 1973
ESFEmergency support function; Economic Support Fund
ESRDEnd-Stage Renal Disease Program
ETAEmployment and Training Administration
ETSEnvironmental tobacco smoke
et seq.Et sequentes or et sequentia (“and the following”)
EUEuropean Union
EuratomEuropean Atomic Energy Community
Eur. Ct. H.R.European Court of Human Rights
Ex.English Exchequer Reports, Welsby, Hurlstone & Gordon
Exch.Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone & Gordon)
Ex ComExecutive Committee of the National Security Council
EximbankExport-Import Bank of the United States
F.Federal Reporter
F. 2dFederal Reporter, Second Series
FAAFederal Aviation Administration; Federal Arbitration Act
FAAAFederal Alcohol Administration Act
FACEFreedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994
FACTFeminist Anti-Censorship Task Force
FAIRAFederal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996
FAMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act of 1993
Fannie MaeFederal National Mortgage Association
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FARFederal Acquisition Regulations
FASForeign Agricultural Service
FBAFederal Bar Association
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
FCAFarm Credit Administration
F. Cas.Federal Cases
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FCIAForeign Credit Insurance Association
FCICFederal Crop Insurance Corporation
FCLAAFederal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act
FCRAFair Credit Reporting Act
FCUFederal credit unions
FCUAFederal Credit Union Act
FCZFishery Conservation Zone
FDAFood and Drug Administration
FDICFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDPCFederal Data Processing Center
FECFederal Election Commission
FECAFederal Election Campaign Act of 1971
Fed. Cas.Federal Cases
FEHAFair Employment and Housing Act
FEHBAFederal Employees Health Benefit Act
FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency
FERCFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
FFBFederal Financing Bank
FFDCFederal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act
FGISFederal Grain Inspection Service
FHAFederal Housing Administration
FHAAFair Housing Amendments Act of 1998
FHWAFederal Highway Administration
FIAFederal Insurance Administration
FICFederal Information Centers; Federation of Insurance Counsel
FICAFederal Insurance Contributions Act
FIFRAFederal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FIPForestry Incentives Program
FIRREAFinancial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989
FISAForeign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978
FISCForeign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review
FJCFederal Judicial Center
FLSAFair Labor Standards Act
FMCFederal Maritime Commission
FMCSFederal Mediation and Conciliation Service
FmHAFarmers Home Administration
FMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act of 1993
FNMAFederal National Mortgage Association, “Fannie Mae”
F.O.B.Free on board
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
FOMCFederal Open Market Committee
FPAFederal Power Act of 1935
FPCFederal Power Commission
FPMRFederal Property Management Regulations
FPRSFederal Property Resources Service
FRFederal Register
FRAFederal Railroad Administration
FRBFederal Reserve Board
FRCFederal Radio Commission
F.R.D.Federal Rules Decisions
FSAFamily Support Act
FSBFederal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (the Federal Security Service of Russia)
FSLICFederal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
FSQSFood Safety and Quality Service
FSSFederal Supply Service
F. Supp.Federal Supplement
FTAU.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement of 1988
FTCFederal Trade Commission
FTCAFederal Tort Claims Act
FTSFederal Telecommunications System
FTS2000Federal Telecommunications System 2000
FUCAFederal Unemployment Compensation Act of 1988
FUTAFederal Unemployment Tax Act
FWPCAFederal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948
FWSFish and Wildlife Service
GALGuardian ad litem
GAOGeneral Accounting Office; Governmental Affairs Office
GAORGeneral Assembly Official Records, United Nations
GAAPGenerally accepted accounting principles
GA Res.General Assembly Resolution (United Nations)
GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GCAGun Control Act
Gen. Cls. Comm.General Claims Commission, United States and Panama; General Claims United States and Mexico
Geo. IIKing George II (Great Britain)
Geo. IIIKing George III (Great Britain)
GIGovernment Issue
GIDGeneral Intelligence Division
GMGeneral Motors
GNMAGovernment National Mortgage Association, “Ginnie Mae”
GNPGross national product
GOPGrand Old Party (Republican Party)
GOPACGrand Old Party Action Committee
GPAOffice of Governmental and Public Affairs
GPOGovernment Printing Office
GRASGenerally recognized as safe
Gr. Br., Crim. Ct. App.Great Britain, Court of Criminal Appeals
GRNLGay Rights-National Lobby
GSAGeneral Services Administration
HackworthGreen Haywood Hackworth, Digest of International Law (1940–1944) Hay and Marriott Great Britain. High Court of Admiralty, Decisions in the High Court of Admiralty during the Time of Sir George Hay and of Sir James Marriott, Late Judges of That Court (1801)
HBOHome Box Office
HCFAHealth Care Financing Administration
H.Ct.High Court
HDSOffice of Human Development Services
Hen. & M.Hening & Munford's Virginia Reports
HEWDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare
HFCAHealth Care Financing Administration
HGIHandgun Control, Incorporated
HHSDepartment of Health and Human Services
HillHill's New York Reports
HIREHelp through Industry Retraining and Employment
HIVHuman immunodeficiency virus
H.L.House of Lords Cases (England)
H. LordsHouse of Lords (England)
HMOHealth Maintenance Organization
HNISHuman Nutrition Information Service
Hong Kong L.R.Hong Kong Law Reports
How.Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports
How. St. TrialsHowell's English State Trials
HUACHouse Un-American Activities Committee
HUDDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
Hudson, Internatl. Legis.Manley Ottmer Hudson, ed., International Legislation: A Collection of the Texts of Multipartite International Instruments of General Interest Beginning with the Covenant of the League of Nations (1931)
Hudson, World Court Reps.Manley Ottmer Hudson, ea., World Court Reports (1934—)
HunHun's New York Supreme Court Reports
Hunt's Rept.Bert L. Hunt, Report of the American and Panamanian General Claims Arbitration (1934)
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
IALLInternational Association of Law Libraries
IBAInternational Bar Association
IBMInternational Business Machines
ICAInterstate Commerce Act
ICBMIntercontinental ballistic missile
ICCInterstate Commerce Commission; International Criminal Court
ICJInternational Court of Justice
ICMInstitute for Court Management
IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975
IDOPInternational Dolphin Conservation Program
IEPIndividualized educational program
IFCInternational Finance Corporation
IGRAIndian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988
IJAInstitute of Judicial Administration
IJCInternational Joint Commission
ILCInternational Law Commission
ILDInternational Labor Defense
Ill. Dec.Illinois Decisions
ILOInternational Labor Organization
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
INAImmigration and Nationality Act
INDInvestigational new drug
INF TreatyIntermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987
INSImmigration and Naturalization Service
INTELSATInternational Telecommunications Satellite Organization
InterpolInternational Criminal Police Organization
Int'l. Law Reps.International Law Reports
Intl. Legal Mats.International Legal Materials
IOCInternational Olympic Committee
IPDCInternational Program for the Development of Communication
IPOIntellectual Property Owners
IPPIndependent power producer
IQIntelligence quotient
I.R.Irish Reports
IRAIndividual retirement account; Irish Republican Army
IRCInternal Revenue Code
IRCAImmigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
IRSInternal Revenue Service
ISOIndependent service organization
ISPInternet service provider
ISSNInternational Standard Serial Numbers
ITAInternational Trade Administration
ITIInformation Technology Integration
ITOInternational Trade Organization
ITSInformation Technology Service
ITTInternational Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
IUDIntrauterine device
IWCInternational Whaling Commission
IWWIndustrial Workers of the World
JAGCJudge Advocate General's Corps
JCSJoint Chiefs of Staff
JDLJewish Defense League
JNOVJudgment non obstante veredicto (“judgment nothing to recommend it” or “judgment notwithstanding the verdict”)
JOBSJobs Opportunity and Basic Skills
John. Ch.Johnson's New York Chancery Reports
Johns.Johnson's Reports (New York)
JPJustice of the peace
K.B.King's Bench Reports (England)
KFCKentucky Fried Chicken
KGBKomitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (the State Security Committee for countries in the former Soviet Union)
KKKKu Klux Klan
KMTKuomintang (Chinese, “national people's party”)
LADLaw Against Discrimination
LAPDLos Angeles Police Department
LCLibrary of Congress
LCHALongshoremen's and Harbor Workers Compensation Act of 1927
LD50Lethal dose 50
LDEFLegal Defense and Education Fund (NOW)
LDFLegal Defense Fund, Legal Defense and Educational Fund of the NAACP
LEAALaw Enforcement Assistance Administration
L.Ed.Lawyers' Edition Supreme Court Reports
LILetter of interpretation
LLCLimited Liability Company
LLPLimited Liability Partnership
LMSALabor-Management Services Administration
LNTSLeague of Nations Treaty Series
Lofft's Rep.Lofft's English King's Bench Reports
L.R.Law Reports (English)
LSACLaw School Admission Council
LSASLaw School Admission Service
LSATLaw School Aptitude Test
LSCLegal Services Corporation; Legal Services for Children
LSDLysergic acid diethylamide
LSDASLaw School Data Assembly Service
LTBTLimited Test Ban Treaty
LTCLong Term Care
MADMutual assured destruction
MADDMothers against Drunk Driving
MALDEFMexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
MalloyWilliam M. Malloy, ed., Treaties, Conventions International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements between the United States of America and Other Powers (1910–1938)
MartensGeorg Friedrich von Martens, ea., Noveau recueil ge'ne'ral de traite's et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international (Series I, 20 vols. [1843–1875]; Series II, 35 vols. [1876–1908]; Series III [1909—])
Mass.Massachusetts Reports
MCCMetropolitan Correctional Center
MCCAMedicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988
MCHMaternal and Child Health Bureau
MCRAMedical Care Recovery Act of 1962
MDAMedical Devices Amendments of 1976
Md. App.Maryland, Appeal Cases
M.D. Ga.Middle District, Georgia
MercyMovement Ensuring the Right to Choose for Yourself
Metc.Metcalf's Massachusetts Reports
MFDPMississippi Freedom Democratic party
MHSSMilitary Health Services System
MillerDavid Hunter Miller, ea., Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of America (1931–1948)
Minn.Minnesota Reports
MINSMinors in need of supervision
MIRVMultiple independently targetable reentry vehicle
MIRVed ICBMMultiple independently targetable reentry vehicled intercontinental ballistic missile
Misc.Miscellaneous Reports, New York
Mixed Claims Comm., Report of DecsMixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany, Report of Decisions
M.J.Military Justice Reporter
MLAPMigrant Legal Action Program
MLBMajor League Baseball
MLDPMississippi Loyalist Democratic Party
MMIMoslem Mosque, Incorporated
MMPAMarine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
Mo.Missouri Reports
MODMasters of Deception
Mod.Modern Reports, English King's Bench, etc.
Moore, Dig. Intl. LawJohn Bassett Moore, A Digest of International Law, 8 vols. (1906)
Moore, Intl. Arbs.John Bassett Moore, History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which United States Has Been a Party, 6 vols. (1898)
MorisonWilliam Maxwell Morison, The Scots Revised Report: Morison's Dictionary of Decisions (1908–09)
M.P.Member of Parliament
MP3MPEG Audio Layer 3
MPAAMotion Picture Association of America
MPASMichigan Protection and Advocacy Service
MPEGMotion Picture Experts Group
mpgMiles per gallon
MPPDAMotion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
MPRSAMarine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972
M.R.Master of the Rolls
MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System
MSHAMine Safety and Health Administration
MSPBMerit Systems Protection Board
MSSAMilitary Selective Service Act
N/ANot Available
NAACPNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standards
NABNational Association of Broadcasters
NABSWNational Association of Black Social Workers
NACDLNational Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement of 1993
NAGHSRNational Association of Governors' Highway Safety Representatives
NALANational Association of Legal Assistants
NAMNational Association of Manufacturers
NARNational Association of Realtors
NARALNational Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League
NARFNative American Rights Fund
NARSNational Archives and Record Service
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASDNational Association of Securities Dealers
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVINFONavy Information Offices
NAWSANational American Woman's Suffrage Association
NBANational Bar Association; National Basketball Association
NBCNational Broadcasting Company
NBLSANational Black Law Student Association
NBSNational Bureau of Standards
NCANoise Control Act; National Command Authorities
NCAANational Collegiate Athletic Association
NCACNational Coalition against Censorship
NCCBNational Consumer Cooperative Bank
NCENorthwest Community Exchange
NCFNational Chamber Foundation
NCIPNational Crime Insurance Program
NCJANational Criminal Justice Association
NCLBNational Civil Liberties Bureau
NCPNational contingency plan
NCSCNational Center for State Courts
NCUANational Credit Union Administration
NDANew drug application
N.D. Ill.Northern District, Illinois
NDUNational Defense University
N.D. Wash.Northern District, Washington
N.E.North Eastern Reporter
N.E. 2dNorth Eastern Reporter, Second Series
NEANational Endowment for the Arts; National Education Association
NEHNational Endowment for the Humanities
NEPANational Environmental Protection Act; National Endowment Policy Act
NET ActNo Electronic Theft Act
NFIBNational Federation of Independent Businesses
NFIPNational Flood Insurance Program
NFLNational Football League
NFPANational Federation of Paralegal Associations
NGLTFNational Gay and Lesbian Task Force
NHLNational Hockey League
NHRANursing Home Reform Act of 1987
NHTSANational Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Nielsen's Rept.Frederick Kenelm Nielsen, American and British Claims Arbitration under the Special Agreement Concluded between the United States and Great Britain, August 18, 1910 (1926)
NIEONew International Economic Order
NIGCNational Indian Gaming Commission
NIHNational Institutes of Health
NIJNational Institute of Justice
NIRANational Industrial Recovery Act of 1933; National Industrial Recovery Administration
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NITANational Telecommunications and Information Administration
N.J.New Jersey Reports
N.J. Super.New Jersey Superior Court Reports
NLEANutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990
NLRANational Labor Relations Act
NLRBNational Labor Relations Board
NMFSNational Marine Fisheries Service
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOCNational Olympic Committee
NOINation of Islam
NOLNet operating loss
NORMLNational Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
NOWNational Organization for Women
NOW LDEFNational Organization for Women Legal Defense and Education Fund
NOW/PACNational Organization for Women Political Action Committee
NPDESNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPLNational priorities list
NPRNational Public Radio
NPTNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1970
NRANational Rifle Association; National Recovery Act
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission
NRLCNational Right to Life Committee
NRTANational Retired Teachers Association
NSANational Security Agency
NSCNational Security Council
NSCLCNational Senior Citizens Law Center
NSFNational Science Foundation
NSFNETNational Science Foundation Network
NSINetwork Solutions, Inc.
NTIANational Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTIDNational Technical Institute for the Deaf
NTISNational Technical Information Service
NTSNaval Telecommunications System
NTSBNational Transportation Safety Board
NVRANational Voter Registration Act
N.W.North Western Reporter
N.W. 2dNorth Western Reporter, Second Series
NWSANational Woman Suffrage Association
N.Y.New York Court of Appeals Reports
N.Y. 2dNew York Court of Appeals Reports, Second Series
N.Y.S.New York Supplement Reporter
N.Y.S. 2dNew York Supplement Reporter, Second Series
NYSENew York Stock Exchange
NYSLANew York State Liquor Authority
N.Y. Sup.New York Supreme Court Reports
NYUNew York University
OAAUOrganization of Afro American Unity
OAPOffice of Administrative Procedure
OASOrganization of American States
OASDIOld-age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits
OASHDSOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Human Development Services
OCCOffice of Comptroller of the Currency
OCEDOffice of Comprehensive Employment Development
OCHAMPUSOffice of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
OCSEOffice of Child Support Enforcement
OEAOrganizacio'n de los Estados Americanos
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OFCCPOffice of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
OFPPOffice of Federal Procurement Policy
OICOffice of the Independent Counsel
OICDOffice of International Cooperation and Development
OIGOffice of the Inspector General
OJARSOffice of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics
OMBOffice of Management and Budget
OMPCOffice of Management, Planning, and Communications
ONPOffice of National Programs
OPDOffice of Policy Development
OPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPICOverseas Private Investment Corporation
Ops. Atts. Gen.Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States
Ops. Comms.Opinions of the Commissioners
OPSPOffice of Product Standards Policy
O.R.Ontario Reports
OROfficial Records
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Act
OSHRCOccupational Safety and Health Review Commission
OSMOffice of Surface Mining
OSSOffice of Strategic Services
OSTOffice of the Secretary
OTOffice of Transportation
OTAOffice of Technology Assessment
OTSOffice of Thrift Supervisors
OUIOperating under the influence
OVCIOffshore Voluntary Compliance Initiative
OWBPAOlder Workers Benefit Protection Act
OWRTOffice of Water Research and Technology
P.Pacific Reporter
P. 2dPacific Reporter, Second Series
PACPolitical action committee
Pa. Oyer and TerminerPennsylvania Oyer and Terminer Reports
PATCOProfessional Air Traffic Controllers Organization
PBGCPension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
PBSPublic Broadcasting Service; Public Buildings Service
P.C.Privy Council (English Law Reports)
PCPersonal computer; politically correct
PCBsPolychlorinated biphenyls
PCIJPermanent Court of International JusticeSeries A-Judgments and Orders (1922–30)Series B-Advisory Opinions (1922–30)Series A/B-Judgments, Orders, and Advisory Opinions (1931–40)Series C-Pleadings, Oral Statements, and Documents relating to Judgments and Advisory Opinions (1923–42)Series D-Acts and Documents concerning the Organization of the World Court (1922–47)Series E-Annual Reports (1925–45)
P.D.Probate Division, English Law Reports (1876–1890)
PDAPregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
PD & RPolicy Development and Research
PepcoPotomac Electric Power Company
Perm. Ct. of Arb.Permanent Court of Arbitration
PESPost-Enumeration Survey
Pet.Peters' United States Supreme Court Reports
PETAPeople for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PGAProfessional Golfers Association
PHAPublic Housing Agency
Phila. Ct. of Oyer and TerminerPhiladelphia Court of Oyer and Terminer
PhRMAPharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
PHSPublic Health Service
PICPrivate Industry Council
PICJPermanent International Court of Justice
Pick.Pickering's Massachusetts Reports
PIKPayment in Kind
PINSPersons in need of supervision
PIRGPublic Interest Research Group
P.L.Public Laws
PLANPro-Life Action Network
PLCPlaintiffs' Legal Committee
PLEProduct liability expenses
PLIPracticing Law Institute
PLLProduct liability loss
PLLPProfessional Limited Liability Partnership
PLOPalestine Liberation Organization
PLRAPrison Litigation Reform Act of 1995
PNETPeaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty
PONYProstitutes of New York
POW-MIAPrisoner of war-missing in action
PrattFrederic Thomas Pratt, Law of Contraband of War, with a Selection of Cases from Papers of the Right Honourable Sir George Lee (1856)
PRIDEProstitution to Independence, Dignity, and Equality
PRPPotentially responsible party
PSROProfessional Standards Review Organization
PTOPatents and Trademark Office
PURPAPublic Utilities Regulatory Policies Act
PUSHPeople United to Serve Humanity
PUSH-ExcelPUSH for Excellence
PWAPublic Works Administration
PWSAPorts and Waterways Safety Act of 1972
Q.B.Queen's Bench (England)
QTIPQualified Terminable Interest Property
Ralston's Rept.Jackson Harvey Ralston, ed., Venezuelan Arbitrations of 1903 (1904)
RCRegional Commissioner
RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act
RCWPRural Clean Water Program
RDARural Development Administration
REARural Electrification Administration
Rec. des Decs. des Trib. Arb. MixtesG. Gidel, ed., Recueil des de'cisions des tribunaux arbitraux mixtes, institue's par les traite's de paix (1922–30)
RedmondVol. 3 of Charles I. Bevans, Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America, 1776–1949 (compiled by C. F. Redmond) (1969)
RESPAReal Estate Settlement Procedure Act of 1974
RFCReconstruction Finance Corporation
RFRAReligious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
RIAARecording Industry Association of America
RICORacketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
RLUIPAReligious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
RNCRepublican National Committee
RoscoeEdward Stanley Roscoe, ed., Reports of Prize Cases Determined in the High Court Admiralty before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes and before the judicial Committee of the Privy Council from 1745 to 1859 (1905)
ROTCReserve Officers' Training Corps
RPPRepresentative Payee Program
R.S.Revised Statutes
RTCResolution Trust Corp.
RUDsReservations, understandings, and declarations
Ryan White CARE ActRyan White Comprehensive AIDS Research Emergency Act of 1990
SACStrategic Air Command
SACBSubversive Activities Control Board
SADDStudents against Drunk Driving
SAFStudent Activities Fund
SAIFSavings Association Insurance Fund
SALTStrategic Arms Limitation Talks
SALT IStrategic Arms Limitation Talks of 1969–72
SAMHSASubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Sandf.Sandford's New York Superior Court Reports
S and LSavings and loan
SARASuperfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act
SATScholastic Aptitude Test
Sawy.Sawyer's United States Circuit Court Reports
SBASmall Business Administration
SBISmall Business Institute
SCCCSouth Central Correctional Center
SCLCSouthern Christian Leadership Conference
Scott's Repts.James Brown Scott, ed., The Hague Court Reports, 2 vols. (1916–32)
SCSSoil Conservation Service; Social Conservative Service
SCSEPSenior Community Service Employment Program
S.Ct.Supreme Court Reporter
S.D. Cal.Southern District, California
S.D. Fla.Southern District, Florida
S.D. Ga.Southern District, Georgia
SDIStrategic Defense Initiative
S.D. Me.Southern District, Maine
S.D.N.Y.Southern District, New York
SDSStudents for a Democratic Society
S.E.South Eastern Reporter
S.E. 2dSouth Eastern Reporter, Second Series
SEAScience and Education Administration
SEATOSoutheast Asia Treaty Organization
SECSecurities and Exchange Commission
SEEKSearch for Elevation, Education and Knowledge
SEOOState Economic Opportunity Office
SEPSimplified employee pension plan
SGLIServicemen's Group Life Insurance
SIPState implementation plan
SLASymbionese Liberation Army
SLAPPsStrategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
SLBMSubmarine-launched ballistic missile
SNCCStudent Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
So.Southern Reporter
So. 2dSouthern Reporter, Second Series
SPASoftware Publisher's Association
Spec. Sess.Special Session
SPLCSouthern Poverty Law Center
SRASentencing Reform Act of 1984
SSSchutzstaffel (German, “Protection Echelon')
SSASocial Security Administration
SSISupplemental Security Income
START IStrategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 1991
START IIStrategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 1993
Stat.United States Statutes at Large
STSSpace Transportation Systems
St. Tr.State Trials, English
STURAASurface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987
Sup. Ct. of Justice, MexicoSupreme Court of Justice, Mexico
S.W.South Western Reporter
S.W. 2dSouth Western Reporter, Second Series
SWAPOSouth-West Africa People's Organization
SWATSpecial Weapons and Tactics
SWPSocialist Workers Party
TDPTrade and Development Program
Tex. Sup.Texas Supreme Court Reports
THAADTheater High-Altitude Area Defense System
TITobacco Institute
TIATrust Indenture Act of 1939
TIASTreaties and Other International Acts Series (United States)
TOPTargeted Outreach Program
TPUSTransportation and Public Utilities Service
TQMTotal Quality Management
Tripartite Claims Comm., Decs. and Ops.Tripartite Claims Commission (United States, Austria, and Hungary), Decisions and Opinions
TRI-TACJoint Tactical Communications
TROTemporary restraining order
TSTreaty Series, United States
TSCAToxic Substance Control Act
TSDsTransporters, storers, and disposers
TSUTexas Southern University
TTBTThreshold Test Ban Treaty
TVATennessee Valley Authority
TWATrans World Airlines
UAWUnited Auto Workers; United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implements Workers of America
U.C.C.Uniform Commercial Code; Universal Copyright Convention
U.C.C.C.Uniform Consumer Credit Code
UCCJAUniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act
UCMJUniform Code of Military Justice
UCPPUrban Crime Prevention Program
UCSUnited Counseling Service
UDCUnited Daughters of the Confederacy
UFWUnited Farm Workers
UHFUltrahigh frequency
UIFSAUniform Interstate Family Support Act
UISUnemployment Insurance Service
UMDAUniform Marriage and Divorce Act
UMTAUrban Mass Transportation Administration
U.N.United Nations
UNCITRALUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UN Doc.United Nations Documents
UNDPUnited Nations Development Program
UNEFUnited Nations Emergency Force
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
UNICEFUnited Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
UNIDOUnited Nations Industrial and Development Organization
Unif. L. Ann.Uniform Laws Annotated
UN Repts. Intl. Arb. AwardsUnited Nations Reports of International Arbitral Awards
UNTSUnited Nations Treaty Series
UPIUnited Press International
URESAUniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act
U.S.United States Reports
U.S.A.United States of America
USAFUnited States Air Force
USA PATRIOT ActUniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act
USFU.S. Forestry Service
U.S. App. D.C.United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
U.S.C.United States Code; University of Southern California
U.S.C.A.United States Code Annotated
U.S.C.C.A.N.United States Code Congressional and Administrative News
USCMAUnited States Court of Military Appeals
USDAU.S. Department of Agriculture
USESUnited States Employment Service
USFAUnited States Fire Administration
USGAUnited States Golf Association
USICAInternational Communication Agency, United States
USMSU.S. Marshals Service
USOCU.S. Olympic Committee
USSCU.S. Sentencing Commission
USSGUnited States Sentencing Guidelines
U.S.S.R.Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USTUnited States Treaties
USTSUnited States Travel Service
VAVeterans Administration
VARVeterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission
VAWAViolence against Women Act
VFWVeterans of Foreign Wars
VGLIVeterans Group Life Insurance
Vict.Queen Victoria (Great Britain)
VINVehicle identification number
VISTAVolunteers in Service to America
VJRAVeterans Judicial Review Act of 1988
V.L.A.Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
VMIVirginia Military Institute
VMLIVeterans Mortgage Life Insurance
VOCALVictims of Child Abuse Laws
VRAVoting Rights Act
WACWomen's Army Corps
Wall.Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports
Wash. 2dWashington Reports, Second Series
WAVESWomen Accepted for Volunteer Service
WCTUWomen's Christian Temperance Union
W.D. Wash.Western District, Washington
W.D. Wis.Western District, Wisconsin
WEALWest's Encyclopedia of American Law; Women's Equity Action League
Wend.Wendell's New York Reports
WFSEWashington Federation of State Employees
Wheat.Wheaton's United States Supreme Court Reports
Wheel. Cr. CasesWheeler's New York Criminal Cases
WHISPERWomen Hurt in Systems of Prostitution Engaged in Revolt
WhitemanMarjorie Millace Whiteman, Digest of International Law, 15 vols. (1963–73)
WHOWorld Health Organization
WICWomen, Infants, and Children program
Will. and Mar.King William and Queen Mary (Great Britain)
WINWESTLAW Is Natural; Whip Inflation Now; Work Incentive Program
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
WIUWorkers' Industrial Union
W.L.R.Weekly Law Reports, England
WPAWorks Progress Administration
WPPDAWelfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act
WTOWorld Trade Organization
WWIWorld War I
WWIIWorld War II
Yates Sel. Cas.Yates's New York Select Cases
YMCAYoung Men's Christian Association
YWCAYoung Women's Christian Association

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