al·lege / əˈlej/ • v. [tr.] claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case: he alleged that he had been assaulted. the offenses are alleged to have been committed outside the woman's home. ∎ (usu. be alleged) suppose or affirm to be the case: the first artifact ever alleged to be from Earhart's aircraft.
allege †declare before a tribunal; cite; advance as a reason; assert without proof. XIV. — AN. alegier, for OF. esligier :-Rom. *exlītigāre clear at law (f. L. EX-1 + līs, līt- lawsuit), used in the senses of L. allēgāre (see prec.), whence F. alléguer (which cannot be the source of allege).
To state, recite, assert, or charge the existence of particular facts in apleadingor an indictment; to make an allegation.