Allcorn, Seth

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ALLCORN, Seth. American, b. 1946. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry, Medicine/Health. Career: University of Missouri-Columbia, internal auditor, 1972-75, administrative manager in Department of Medicine, 1975-87; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, program administrator for Medicine Service and administrator of Department of Medicine, both 1987-90; Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, associate dean for fiscal affairs, Stritch School of Medicine, 1990-95; DYAD Mgt and Organizational Consulting Co., principal, 1995-. Publications: Internal Auditing for Hospitals, 1979; Workplace Superstars in Resistant Organizations, 1991; Codependency in the Workplace, 1992; (with T.S. Wirth) Creating New Hospital-Physician Collaboration, 1993; Anger in the Workplace, 1994; Working Together: Building Integrated Healthcare Organization through Improved Executive/Physician Collaboration, 1995; (with others) The Human Costs of a Management Failure: Organizational Downsizing at General Hospital, 1996; (with M. Diamond) Managing People during Stressful Times: The Psychologically Defensive Workplace, 1997; Death of the Spirit in the American Workplace, 2002; The Dynamic Workplace: Present Structure and Future Redesign, 2003. Work represented in anthologies. Address: 39 Woodcrest Rd, Asheville, NC 28804, U.S.A. Online address: