Tribes and Tribalism: Mutayr Tribe

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A tribe of northeastern Arabia.

The Mutayr cover an area that ranges from Kuwait in the north to al-Dahna, the sand belt in the south. The Mutayr were active in the Ikhwan movement in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Among the first to be induced to settle under the move-ment's influence, Mutayr tribespeople in 1912 built al-Artawiya, an Ikhwan settlement that achieved fame for its zealotry in attempting to create a religious community living by God's laws, and for trying to convert others to the same goal. Some of the Mutayr, such as Faysal al-Duwish, led the Ikhwan rebellion against King Ibn Saʿud in 1929/1930.

see also ikhwan.

eleanor abdella doumato

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