Tribe, Laurence H(enry)

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TRIBE, Laurence H(enry)

TRIBE, Laurence H(enry). American, b. 1941. Genres: Law. Career: National Science Foundation, fellow, 1962-63; California Supreme Court, law clerk, 1966-67; U.S. Supreme Court, Washington, D.C., law clerk, 1967- 68; National Academy of Sciences, Technology Assessment Panel, executive director, 1968-69; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, asst professor of law, 1969-72, professor, 1972-82, Ralph S. Tyler Jr. Professor of Constitutional Law, 1982-. Constitutional consultant to Marshall Islands Govt, 1978- 79; Marshall Islands Judicial Service Commission, chairman, 1979-80; California Nuclear Litigation, chief appellate counselor, 1978-83; special deputy attorney general, Hawaii, 1983-84. Recipient: Beale Prize, 1966; Detur Prize, 1969; Scribe Award, 1980. Publications: Channeling Technology through Law, 1973; When Values Conflict, 1976; The Constitutional Protection of Individual Rights, 1978; American Constitutional Law (textbook), 1978, 3rd ed., 2000; The Constitutional Structure of American Government, 1978; (co-ed.) The Supreme Court: Trends and Developments, Vol. I, 1979; Constitutional Choices, 1985; God Save This Honorable Court, 1985; (co- author) The Senate, the Courts, and the Constitution, 1988; (co-author) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, 1988; Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes, 1990; (with M. Dorf) On Reading the Constitution, 1991. Contributor to books and professional journals. Address: Harvard Law School, Hauser Hall 420, 1525 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Online address:

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