Namuncurá, Manuel (?–1908)

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Namuncurá, Manuel (?–1908)

Manuel Namuncurá (d. 1908), leader of Araucanian confederation in the Argentine pampas from 1873 until final defeat in 1883. Namuncurá assumed leadership of the confederation of the Araucanian and Pampas tribes in the Argentine pampas after the death of his father, Calfucurá, in 1873. Originally chosen to serve as one of a triumvirate elected by Araucanian elders, Manuel Namuncurá emerged as the most effective leader in achieving Araucanian hegemony in Argentina. In the five years following his ascendance, Namuncurá's followers maintained a strong line of defense against creole expansion and conducted highly organized and effective malones against their enemies. Following the military operations of Argentine generals Adolfo Alsina (1877) and Julio A. Roca (1878–1879), Araucanian resistance crumbled, and the last straggling forces under the leadership of Namuncurá finally surrendered in 1883.

See alsoAraucanians .


Adalberto A. Clifton Goldney, El cacique Namuncurá: Último soberano de la pampa, 2d ed. (1964).

Judith Ewell and William Beezeley, eds., The Human Tradition in Latin America: The Nineteenth Century (1989), pp. 175-187.

Additional Bibliography

Martínez Sarasola, Carlos. Los hijos de la tierra: Historia de los indígenas argentinos. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1998.

                                        Kristine L. Jones

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