Namioka, Lensey
NAMIOKA, Lensey. American (born China), b. 1929. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Travel/Exploration. Career: Wells College, Aurora, NY, instructor in mathematics, 1957-58; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, instructor in mathematics, 1958-61; Japan Broadcasting Corp., broadcasting monitor, 1969. American Mathematical Society, translator, 1958-66. Publications: YOUNG ADULT: A World Away, 2002; Half and Half, 2003. FOR CHILDREN: The Loyal Cat, 1995; The Laziest Boy in the World, 1998; Hungriest Boy in the World, 2001. FOR ADULTS: (trans.) How to Order and Eat in Chinese, by B.Y., 1974; Japan: A Traveler's Companion, 1979; China: A Traveler's Companion, 1985. Contributor of plays to Center Stage Order and Eat in Chinese, by B.Y., 1974; Japan: A Traveler's Companion, 1979; China: A Traveler's Companion, 1985. Contributor of plays to Center Stage. Address: 2047 23rd Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112, U.S.A. Online address:;