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Lundu, a Brazilian dance and song form. Of African, most probably Angolan, origin, lundu was popular in the eighteenth century. Like Batuque and samba, the dance form consisted of a couple performing within a roda (spectators' circle) by tapping their feet, accentuatedly swaying their hips, and engaging in the characteristic umbigada (smacking of stomachs). Often compared with the Spanish fandango and the Portuguese fofa in its dance form, lundu was popularized as a song form with humorous lyrics by the Brazilian poet Domingos Caldas Barbosa at the Portuguese court in the eighteenth century. In its song form, lundu is played in 2/4 time, with the first beat syncopated. According to Mário de Andrade, it was the first black musical form to be widely accepted into Brazilian "high" society, and left its formal imprint on Brazilian music through its "systematization of syncopation" and the "reduced seventh."

See alsoMaxixe; MPB: Música Popular Brasileira.


Oneyda Alvarenga, Música popular brasileira (1982).

Mário De Andrade, Dicionário musical brasileiro, coordinated by Oneyda Alvarenga and Flávia Camargo Toni (1982–1989).

Charles A. Perrone, Masters of Contemporary Brazilian Song (1989).

Additional Bibliography

Barros, José Carlos. Pequena introduçãco crítica á história da música popular brasileira. Salvador: Módulo, 2001.

D'Amorim, Elvira, and Dinalva Araújo. Do lundu ao samba: Pelos caminhos do coco. João Pessoa: Idéia, 2003.

Livingston-Isenhour, Tamara Elena, and Thomas George Caracas Garcia. Choro: A Social History of Brazilian Popular Music. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005.

                                          Robert Myers

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