
views 3,687,624 updated May 29 2018

Vibrio (family Vibrionaceae) A genus of bacteria in which the cells are straight or curved rods, and typically have 1 or more flagella at 1 end. They are chemo-organotrophic, and can grow in the presence or absence of air. They are found primarily in aquatic environments and in association with aquatic animals (e.g. copepods). The genus includes some important pathogens of humans (e.g. the causal agent of cholera), fish, and shellfish.


views 2,240,348 updated May 23 2018

vibrio Any comma-shaped bacterium. Generally, vibrios are Gram-negative (see Gram's stain), motile, and aerobic. They are widely distributed in soil and water and while most feed on dead organic matter some are parasitic, e.g. Vibrio cholerae, the causal agent of cholera.


views 2,355,600 updated May 17 2018

vibrio (zool.) bacterioid organism having a vibratory motion. XIX. f. L. vibrāre VIBRATE.


views 3,802,297 updated Jun 11 2018

Vibrio (vib-ri-oh) n. a genus of Gram-negative motile comma-shaped bacteria widely distributed in soil and water. V. cholerae the species that causes cholera.

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