
views updated May 21 2018

valley Valley Forge the site on the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania, about 32 km (20 miles) to the north-west of Philadelphia, where George Washington's Continental Army spent the winter of 1777–8, during the War of American Independence, in conditions of extreme hardship.
Valley Girl an informal term for a fashionable and affluent teenage girl, often using Valspeak, from the San Fernando valley in southern California.
Valley of the Kings a valley near ancient Thebes in Egypt where the pharaohs of the New Kingdom (c.1550–1070 bc) were buried. Most of the tombs, typically consisting of a richly decorated chamber at the end of a long series of descending corridors, were robbed in antiquity; the exception was the tomb of Tutankhamen, almost untouched until discovered in 1922.
Valley of the Queens a valley near ancient Thebes in Egypt where the wives and daughters of pharaohs of the 20th dynasty were buried.


views updated May 17 2018

val·ley / ˈvalē/ • n. (pl. -leys) 1. a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it. 2. Archit. an internal angle formed by the intersecting planes of a roof, or by the slope of a roof and a wall.


views updated May 11 2018

valley Elongated, gently sloping depression of the Earth's surface. It often contains a stream or river that receives the drainage from the surrounding heights. A U-shaped valley was probably formed by a glacier, a V-shaped one by a stream. The term may also be applied to a broad, generally flat area that is drained by a large river.


views updated Jun 11 2018

valley XIII. — AN. valey. OF. valée (mod. vallée):- Rom. *vallāta, f. L. vallis, -ēs; see -Y5.


views updated May 29 2018

valley. Internal angle formed by the meeting of two roof slopes, the opposite of a hip. Hence valley-gutter, valley-rafter.

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