
views 2,350,216 updated May 14 2018

tu·ber·cle / ˈt(y)oōbərkəl/ • n. 1. Anat. , Zool. , & Bot. a small rounded projection or protuberance, esp. on a bone or on the surface of an animal or plant.2. Med. a small nodular lesion in the lungs or other tissues, characteristic of tuberculosis.DERIVATIVES: tu·ber·cu·late / t(y)oōˈbərkyəˌlāt; -lit/ adj. (in sense 1).


views 1,590,943 updated May 08 2018

tubercle The domed, surface structure in trilobites (Trilobita). Some tubercles appear to be domes covering a space, others may have been the sites of sensory organs.


views 3,308,859 updated May 29 2018

tubercle (tew-ber-kŭl) n.
1. (in anatomy) a small rounded protuberance on a bone.

2. the specific nodular lesion of tuberculosis.


views 3,713,737 updated May 11 2018

tubercle A dome-like projection.

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