Tubb, Jonathan N.

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TUBB, Jonathan N.

TUBB, Jonathan N. British, b. 1951. Genres: Archaeology/Antiquities. Career: British Museum, London, England, curator of Syria-Palestine section, and director of Museum's excavations at Tell es-Sa'idiyeh (ancient Zarethan) in Jordan. Publications: (ed.) Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages: Papers in Honour of Olga Tufnell, 1985; Archeology and the Bible, 1990; Excavations at the Early Bronze Age Cemetery of Tiwal esh-Sharqi, 1990; Bible Lands, 1991; Canaanites, 1998. Contributor of scholarly articles to journals. Address: Western Asiatic Department, British Museum, London WC1B 3DG, England. Online address: jnt@museum.demon.co.uk