
views updated May 09 2018

script1 / skript/ • n. 1. handwriting as distinct from print; written characters: her neat, tidy script. ∎  printed type imitating handwriting. ∎  writing using a particular alphabet: Russian script. 2. the written text of a play, movie, or broadcast. ∎  Comput. an automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order. ∎  Psychol. the social role or behavior appropriate to particular situations that an individual absorbs through cultural influences and association with others.• v. [tr.] write a script for (a play, movie, or broadcast).script2 • n. inf. a doctor's prescription.


views updated May 09 2018

1. (command file) A file containing commands or other actions that could have been entered from the keyboard. This is a useful way of replaying often-used sequences of actions. In fact the scripting languages usually have extra commands (not available for direct use) such as branches, loops, and procedure calls. There are also usually optional parameters that allow the script to be made more general.

2. See script theory.


views updated May 21 2018

script piece of writing XIV (examinee's written papers XIX); (kind of) handwriting XIX. Aphetic — OF. escript, for escrit (now écrit) :- L. scrīptum, sb. use of n. pp. of scrībere write (see SCRIBE).
So scriptorium writing-room. XVIII. — medL. scripture Holy Writ, the Bible XIII; (arch.) inscription XIV. — L. scrīptūra; see -URE. scriptural (-AL1) XVII. — late L.

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