Santa Claus
Santa Claus Variant of the Dutch name Sinte Klaas, itself a version of the name Saint Nicholas, who was Bishop of Myra sometime during the 4th century. Santa Claus has become associated with the feast of Christmas and is identified with Father Christmas in North America, the UK, and some former Commonwealth countries.
Santa Claus
San·ta Claus / ˈsantə ˌklôz/ (also San·ta) an imaginary figure said to bring presents for children on Christmas. He is conventionally pictured as a jolly old man from the far north, with a long white beard and red garments trimmed with white fur.
Santa Claus
Santa Claus imaginary person who brings presents for children on Christmas Eve. XVIII (St. A Claus), XIX (Santiclaus). orig. U.S. — Du. dial. Sante Klaas (Du. Sint Klaas), i.e. sant, sint SAINT, Klaas, abbrev. of Nicolaas Nicholas (patron of children).
Santa Claus
Santa Claus another name for Father Christmas; originally, a US usage, recorded from the late 18th century, an alteration of Dutch dialect Sante Klaas ‘St Nicholas’.