Santa Barbara Dance Alliance
Santa Barbara Dance Alliance
PO Box 22256
Santa Barbara, CA 93121
Ph: (805)966-6950
Fax: (805)966-6950
Dance Education Scholarship Program (High School/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide financial support to talented students. Focus: Dance. Qualif.: Applicants must be students ages 8-16 years old; must have talent, dedication and financial need. Applicants may dance in any form; must have studied for at least 2 years, and be recommended by their instructors or studios. Criteria: Preference will be given to those students who meet the criteria.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit a completed application form. Deadline: May 9. Contact: Santa Barbara Dance Alliance at the above address (see entry 6243).
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Santa Barbara Dance Alliance