
views updated May 29 2018

quad·rille1 / kwäˈdril; k(w)ə-/ • n. a square dance performed typically by four couples and containing five figures, each of which is a complete dance in itself. ∎  a piece of music for this dance. ∎  each of four groups of riders taking part in a tournament or carousel, distinguished by a special costume or colors. ∎  a riding display.quad·rille2 • n. a trick-taking card game for four players using a deck of forty cards (i.e., one lacking eights, nines, and tens), fashionable in the 18th century.quad·rille3 • n. a ruled grid of small squares, esp. on paper.


views updated May 17 2018

quadrille. Type of square dance popular at court of Napoléon I in early 19th cent. In 5 sections (4 of 32 bars each and finale), varying in time-signature from 6/8 to 2/4, the mus. being selected from popular tunes, operatic arias, and sometimes sacred works. Elgar composed a series of quadrilles for use by the band which he cond. for staff dances at a lunatic asylum (1879–84).


views updated Jun 27 2018

quadrille2 any of four groups of horsemen taking part in a tournament, etc.; square dance performed by four couples. XVIII. — F. — Sp. cuadrilla. It. quadriglia troop, company, f. quadra square (cf. CADRE).


views updated May 29 2018

quadrille1 card-game played by four persons with forty cards. XVIII. — F., perh. — Sp. cuartillo (f. cuarto fourth), with assim. to next.


views updated May 11 2018


a meeting of four or more persons; a band, troop, or company; a dance performed by four couples, 1773; a group of four horsemen, 1738; a square dance.

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