Quadrupani, Carlo Giuseppi

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Barnabite preacher, spiritual director, and writer; b. Induno (Varese), Lombardy, 1740 (1739?); d. there, July 14, 1806. He was superior of S. Alessandro's in Milan and then provincial of the Barnabites of Lombardy. His greatest success was in preaching, for which he became famous throughout Italy. His preaching career began in the church of S. Lorenzo in Rome in 1771, and from then until the end of his life he was occupied principally with preaching in the major cities of Italy, conducting retreats for clergy and laity, hearing confessions, and giving spiritual direction. His writings went through an extraordinary number of editions and translations and were still being published in the 20th century. The Documenti per istruzione e tranquillità della anime (Turin 1795) was given the title Documenti per tranquillare le anime timorose nelle loro dubbiezze in the 30th edition (Milan 1807). He also wrote Documenti pratici per vivere cristianamente (published post-humously, Milan 1807), which was later published together with the first work as Documenti di vita spirituale.

Bibliography: o. m. premoli, Storia dei Barnabiti dal 1700 al 1825 (Rome 1925) 3:387388. g. boffito, Biblioteca Barnabitica illustrata, v.3 (Florence 1934) 225234; v.4 (1937) 431.

[j. c. willke]

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