
views 1,215,921 updated May 23 2018

peg / peg/ • n. 1. a short cylindrical piece of wood, metal, or plastic, typically tapered at one end, that is used for holding things together, hanging things on, or marking a position. ∎  such an object attached to a wall on which to hang garments. ∎  (also tent peg) such an object driven into the ground to hold one of the ropes or corners of a tent in position. ∎  such an object in the neck of a stringed musical instrument around which the strings are wound, and which are turned to adjust their tension and so tune the instrument. ∎  a bung for stoppering a cask. ∎ inf. a person's leg. ∎  a point or limit on a scale, esp. of exchange rates. 2. chiefly Indian a measure of liquor: have a peg of whiskey. 3. inf. a strong throw, esp. in baseball.• v. (pegged , peg·ging ) 1. [tr.] fix or make fast with a peg or pegs: drape individual plants with nets, pegging down the edges. ∎  [tr.] mark (the score) with pegs on a cribbage board. 2. [tr.] fix (a price, rate, or amount) at a particular level. ∎ inf. form a fixed opinion of; categorize: the officer probably has us pegged as anarchists. 3. inf. throw (a ball) hard and low, esp. in baseball: the catcher pegs the ball to the first baseman.PHRASES: a peg to hang a matter on something used as a pretext or occasion for the discussion or treatment of a wider subject.a square peg in a round hole a person in a situation unsuited to their abilities or character.take someone down a peg or two make someone realize that they are less talented or important than they think are.PHRASAL VERBS: peg away inf. continue working hard at or trying to achieve something, esp. over a long period.peg out1. inf., chiefly Brit. die. 2. score the winning point at cribbage. 3. Croquet hit the peg with the ball as the final stroke in a game.peg something out mark the boundaries of an area of land: I went out to peg out our assembly area.


views 1,742,806 updated May 14 2018

peg pin or bolt of wood, etc. (cf. pegtop) XV; (dial.) tooth; (in stringed instruments) pin with which the tension of the strings is adjusted; step, degree XVI; (orig. Anglo-Ind.) measure of drink XIX. prob. of Du. or LG. origin (cf. MDu. pegge, Du. dial. peg plug, peg, LG. pigge peg; also MLG., MDu. pegel peg, pin, bolt).
Hence peg vb. fix with a peg XVI; mark with pegs; p. out, die (sl.) XIX.


views 2,412,217 updated May 09 2018

peg a peg to hang a matter on something used as a pretext or occasion for the treatment of a wider subject.
take someone down a peg or two make someone realize that they are less talented or important than they think they are.

See also a square peg in a round hole.


views 1,976,788 updated May 23 2018

PEG • abbr. polyethylene glycol.


views 1,990,212 updated Jun 08 2018

peg (Ger. Wirbel; Fr. cheville; It. bischero). Movable wooden pin set in head of instr. of vn. family and used to adjust the tension of the str.


views 1,427,957 updated May 11 2018


views 1,994,052 updated May 21 2018

PEG Chem. polyethylene glycol


views 1,770,883 updated May 14 2018

Peg Astronomy Pegasus

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