
views updated May 11 2018

lus·ter1 / ˈləstər/ (Brit. lus·tre) • n. 1. a gentle sheen or soft glow, esp. that of a partly reflective surface: the luster of the Milky Way she couldn't eat, and her hair lost its luster. ∎ fig. glory or distinction: a celebrity player to add luster to the lineup. ∎  the manner in which the surface of a mineral reflects light.2. a substance imparting or having a shine or glow, in particular: ∎  a thin coating containing unoxidized metal that gives an iridescent glaze to ceramics. ∎  ceramics with such a glaze; lusterware: [as adj.] luster jugs. ∎  a type of finish on a photographic print, less reflective than a glossy finish.3. a prismatic glass pendant on a chandelier or other ornament. ∎  a cut-glass chandelier or candelabra.DERIVATIVES: lus·ter·less adj.lus·ter2 (Brit. lus·tre) • n. another term for lustrum.


views updated Jun 11 2018

Luster ★★½ 2002

A look at the L.A. gay/punk scene that coasts by on its own oddball charms. Skateboarding, blue-haired Jackson (Herwick) works at a record store while aspiring to be a poet. After too many drunken, druggy sexual encounters, he decides he needs a real romance—maybe with crush Billy (Blechman) who'd rather just be friends. Meanwhile, preppie customer Derek (Thibodeau) thinks Jackson is swell. Then add to the mix naive newcomer Jed (Wyatt), willing to try anything, and closeted rock star Sonny Spike (Garson), who has an unsavory past with Billy, as well as Jackson's chic lesbian pals, Alyssa (Gidley) and Sandra (Melvoin). 90m/C DVD . Justin Herwick, Shane Powers, B. Wyatt, Jonah Blechman, Pamela Gidley, Sean Thibodeau, Willie Garson, Susanna Melvoin; D: Everet Lewis; W: Everet Lewis; C: Humberto DeLuna; M: Michael Leon.


views updated Jun 11 2018

lus·ter·ware / ˈləstərˌwer/ (Brit. lus·tre·ware) • n. ceramic articles with an iridescent metallic glaze.

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