
views 2,553,259 updated May 21 2018

fry1 / frī/ • v. (fries, fried) [tr.] cook (food) in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan. Compare with deep fry. ∎  [intr.] (of food) be cooked in such a way: put half a dozen steaks to fry in a pan. ∎  [intr.] inf. (of a person) burn or overheat: with the sea and sun and wind you'll fry if you don't take care. ∎ inf. execute or be executed by electrocution.• n. (pl. fries) [in sing.] a meal of meat or other food cooked in such a way. ∎  a social gathering where fried food is served: you'll explore islands and stop for a fish fry. ∎  (fries) another term for French fries.fry2 • pl. n. young fish, esp. when newly hatched. ∎  the young of other animals produced in large numbers, such as frogs.


views 3,014,018 updated May 23 2018


the young or brood of fishes or other animals or insects, including oysters and bees; people held in contempt collectivelyJohnson, 1755. See also brood, swarm.

Examples: fry of authors, 1641; of bees [young bees], 1577; of Christmas books, 1861; of Catholics, 1607; of ditches, 1600; of eel spawn; of fish [young], 1389; of foul decays; of gnats, 1613; of islands, 1652; of oysters [young].


views 3,759,038 updated Jun 27 2018

fry1 †offspring; young of fish XIV; young or insignificant creatures XV. Implied in AL. frium XIII–XIV. — ON. *frío, *frjó seed = Goth. fraiw; of unkn. orig.


views 1,401,729 updated May 14 2018

fry2 cook in boiling fat. XIII. — (O)F. frire = It. friggere :- L. frīgere (cf. Gr. phrū́gein, Skr. bhṛjjáti grill).

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