
views updated May 29 2018

drear·y / ˈdri(ə)rē/ • adj. (drear·i·er, drear·i·est) dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing: the dreary routine of working, eating, and trying to sleep.DERIVATIVES: drear·i·ly / ˈdri(ə)rəlē/ adv.drear·i·ness n.


views updated Jun 11 2018

dreary †dire, grievous, sad, doleful OE.; dismal, gloomy XVII. OE. drēoriġ bloody, gory, grievous, sorrowful, f. drēor gore, flowing blood :- Gmc. *dreuzaz, f. *dreus- * draus-, whence also OE. drēosan drop, fall, OS. driosan, Goth. driusan, and OS. drōr, OHG. trōr, ON. dreyri gore, blood, MHG. trūrec (G. traurig sorrowful); see -Y 1.

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