
views updated Jun 08 2018

de·bate / diˈbāt/ • n. a formal discussion on a particular topic in a meeting or assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward. ∎  an argument about a particular subject, esp. one in which many people are involved: the national debate on abortion.• v. [tr.] argue about (a subject), esp. in a formal manner. ∎  consider a possible course of action before reaching a decision: he debated whether he should leave.PHRASES: be open to debate be unproven; require further discussion.under debate being discussed or disputed.DERIVATIVES: de·bat·er n.


views updated May 18 2018

debate contention XIII; dispute, discussion XIV. — (O)F. débat. repr. a Rom. deriv. of the vb.
So debate vb. XIV. — (O)F. débattre :- Rom. *desbattere (see DE- 6, BATTERY).

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