Debin, David

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DEBIN, David

DEBIN, David. Also writes as Bill Doe, Smith & Doe. American, b. 1942. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Adult non-fiction, Plays/Screenplays. Career: Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA, instructor in creative writing. Author of screenplays and television scripts, 1970-. Publications: MYSTERY NOVELS: Nice Guys Finish Dead, 1992; The Big O, 1994; Murder Live at Five, 1995. ADULT NON-FICTION, WITH M. SMITH, AS SMITH AND DOE: What Men Don't Want Women to Know, 1998; The Book of Horrible Questions, 1999; The Ultimate Sex Test, 2000; Worst Case Scenarios: A Survivalist Guide to Love, Sex, and Romance, 2001. Address: 651 Para Grande Ln, Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2019, U.S.A. Online address:

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