Deblack, Thomas A. 1951-
Deblack, Thomas A. 1951-
Born January 29, 1951, in Little Rock, AR; son of Alfred (a Methodist minister) and Roberta (a homemaker) DeBlack; married Susan Sanders (an optometrist), March 15, 1997; children: Susannah Grace. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Southern Methodist University, B.A., 1973; Ouachita Baptist University, M.S.E., 1979; University of Arkansas, Ph. D., 1995. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Methodist.
Home—Conway, AR. Office—WPN 268, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR 72801. E-mail—
Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, associate professor of history, 1995—.
Civil War Historians (Western theater), Southern Historical Association, Arkansas Historical Association (president), Arkansas Association of College History Teachers (president), Phi Beta Kappa.
Butler-Remmel Arkansas History Literary Prize, 2003.
(Editor, with Julianne Lewis Adams) Civil Obedience: An Oral History of School Desegregation in Fayetteville, Arkansas, 1954-1965, University of Arkansas Press (Fayetteville, AR), 1994.
(Editor, with Randy Finley, and contributor) The Southern Elite and Social Change: Essays in Honor of Willard B. Gatewood, University of Arkansas Press (Fayetteville, AR), 2002.
With Fire and Sword: Arkansas, 1861-1874, University of Arkansas Press (Fayetteville, AR), 2003.
(Coauthor) Arkansas: A Narrative History, University of Arkansas Press (Fayetteville, AR), 2003.