con·vene / kənˈvēn/ • v. [tr.] call people together for (a meeting). ∎ assemble or cause to assemble for a common purpose: [tr.] he convened a group of well-known scientists and philosophers | [intr.] the committee had convened for its final plenary session. DERIVATIVES: con·ven·a·ble adj.con·ven·er n.con·ve·nor / -ˈvēnər/ n.
convene come together XV; call together XVI. — L. convenīre assemble, f. CON- + venīre COME.
So convenient †accordant, suitable XIV; personally fitting, commodious XV. — L. conveniēns, -ent-, pp. of convenīre. convenience XV. convention A. assembly XV; B. agreement, covenant XV; general agreement or consent; conventional usage XVIII. — (O)F. — L. conventiō, -ōn-, meeting, covenant. conventional XV. — F. conventionnel or late L. conventiōnālis.